I suddenly started to get this warning (topic title) since ~2-3 days. Did anything changed on instantiateModelsToScene? It occurs on all my .glb-files, while like 4 days ago everything worked without any warning spamming. Since then I tested CannonJS, AmmoJS and ended at RecastJS formy project. Also what I recognized is that the getClassName()-function returns “InstancedMesh” instead of “Mesh”, is this new?
There is still one thing, that isn’t like in the past. My instance.rootNodes[0].rotationQuaternion is undefined even though it is a .glb-file. Usually the root of .glb does use rotationQuaternion.
True, in all my PGs i do either use absoluteRotationQuaternion and/or reassign rotationQuaternion or used physicsMesh or collisionMesh and copyFrom. Since I moved from using physics- and collisionMesh, I will get it by absoluteRotationQuaternion and reassign instead of copyFrom.