BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", "scenes/", "skull.babylon", scene, function (newMeshes) {
// newMeshes[0] is the mesh to play with
let skull = newMeshes[0];
skull.position.x = 0.123456789
Btw you can still play with the meshes with your current syntax. I haven’t used it, but my guess is that it’ll be in the scene.meshes array.
I have another question if it is possible , there is away to use the skull variable outside the BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh ? When i used it outside i have a console error : skull it is not defined .
it is possible but only if you wait for the load to be done. Loading a file is asynchronous so you cannot immediately use the mesh after calling ImportMesh (hence the callabck function)