Is there any point in using ellipsoids for Instances in terms of performance?

I have an idea to make regular instances for all my game objects including movable objects even those, that will move with moveWithCollisions. Is it a good idea to move ellipsoids of Instances or they are not made for such using? Or is it the same as moving ellipsoid of just regular not instanced objects?

Hey there! It depends :wink:

what is your goal? can you use physics with Havok?

I’m making a 2D game, using just one plane (XY), orthographic camera. I don’t use physics like Havok, I move my objects with moveWithCollisions as it looks enough for now and I hope will always be enough in this project :smiley: So I wanna think about such optimizations before the project structure will done.

with that in mind, yes I think it makes total sense to add the ellipsoid and use that to move your instances. That’s totally worth it

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