Issue while trying to apply two logos to same plane with standard material

Thank you so much!

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Hi @mawa first, im really sorry for making this lengthy.

just wana know that, what is the point of assigning a plane to a parent
logoplane.parent = plane;
logoplane0.parent = plane; ?

Oh, yes of course. No worries.
When you assign a parent, all parented objects/meshes (called child or children) will follow the transform of the parent. This includes position, scaling and rotation RELATIVE TO the parent.

By parenting your logos to the wall, you can next rotate, scale and position your wall the way you want and all your logo planes will follow, so you can be sure that everything from your parented group will remain in place, scale and rotation relative to the parent.

In particular, in this case of your logo planes slightly offseted from the wall, scaling the wall (the parent) will also apply this scaling to the children (the logos). For the z axis (the depth) this also means that once parented you can scale your wall ten times or a hundred times and the logos will never blend through or flicker (so you don’t have to change the z position of your logos from the wall anymore, after having assessed that it shows correctly on parenting.

One thing I could here further explain a little is why you struggled setting the z position on the logo planes to offset it from the wall. Basically, why is it that with a plane sized 600 the logo does not blend through but when the plane is of a size of 3200, it does. And this with the same z position value. Weird, isn’t it?
Very simply put (my apologies to the Engs and ‘big brains’ in this forum :wink: ) the reason is that you are looking at your scene from a camera. To set the order and blending of objects in depth, the camera uses this z value (or, in other words, the depth). The bigger the object, the lower the difference in the reading of the depth value. Once this difference reaches a level that is too low to be accounted by the camera, objects that are very close to each other will eventually start to blend through or flicker.


Thank you! got your point :slight_smile: