So I did a production build now to test some of my new work and noticed the js chunk size was huge , like over 10mb. I then grabbed a bundle analizer plugin to check whats happening ,
so from this i can see something in webpack is not producing the gzipped files , that i have to reseach how to do that , i thought it did everything at a optimal rate automatically… sigh
My file size reflects the “parsed” size shown in this tool 10.69mb , the gzipped size would be 2.54mb
geez build tools really get to me still haha , install this to check whats happening , revert back to do some work … oh now the normal build has broken ,
cant find @babylonjs/gui , cant find @babylonjs/gui-editor , cant find @babylonjsjs/serializers and for good measure something else from bootstrap @popperjs/core
it worked before , I analyzied project , then this , so that can only mean the analyzer tool broke something.
so i had to npm install all those now again
anyway , now it works again and im getting some gzipped files…
ps… info about those big babylon inspector stuff would still be great , im a build tools noob , im not even sure why im getting guiEditor? im not using it?
Basically all the debug stuff are going in a separate chunck never slowing down the main use case unless I need them
Inspectore unfortunately needs to import ALL of babylon explaining the large footprint. We could potentially code split inside it but it would be a hassle for none es builds knowing it is mostly use in debug.