Keep depth buffer while applying post process

Obviously making some tests those are glitches from the MRT and the default frameBuffer render well.
Unfortunately creating a PG of it will be rather complicated and time consuming :confused: .

in my project I have something like

const depthRenderer = this.scene.enableDepthRenderer();
    this.zoneMaterialPass.onApply = (effect) => {
      effect.setTexture(ZONE_RENDER_TEXTURE, this.zonePassTarget);
      effect.setTexture(MAIN_DEPTH_TEXTURE, depthRenderer.getDepthMap());

Unfortunately that one gives like two meshes of depth and the rest remains blank as if it was taken during unfinished render which get me back to the issue you created Reusing the depth buffer from the scene rendering but the fact I have at least some stuffs make me wonder if it is some sort of timing issue.