I’m working on my side on the playground version.
Enabling the depth renderer is from the scene and I’m rendering on a MultiTextureTarget specially to get the depth out of it.
the last time I tried getDepthMap the depth was incomplete and that answer:
convinced me it was a dead end.
Meanwhile I noticed that It was still rendering on the main scene buffer and I don’t know to make it render only on the target texture.
I paste some closups renders of what I have
since the effect is a mesh that activate an effect above in an other target Texture it needs to be cut out with the depth so I pick back the depth for the scenery rendering texture and compare to the zone limitation texture and exclude comparing the two depth (I also use the difference of depth to have the distance from the effect mesh to the mesh below to adjust the level of effect (you sort of see it by the gradient as a limitation on the fxaa less screen.
Meanwhile I’m a bit blocked with the playground since I don’t see my pipeline shader rendering.
I quickly reproduced a part of what I have on my end cutting the crap to make it clearer.
Since I’m blocked at that stage I didn’t advanced to the point my playground shows the real issue I want to talk about.
If you have better ideas on how I can solve that they’re welcome too.
I assume MultiTextureTarget allows to add channels to the rendering which could help quite a bit on that matter but I couldn’t get clear documentation on that.