lookAt() rotations

How can i keep the x and z axis at zero?
This is code from an example but it rotates on all axes.

game.scene.onPointerDown = function (evt, pickResult) {
        if (pickResult.hit) {
            let targetPoint = pickResult.pickedPoint;

I’m not sure to fully understand what you want to do, but if you don’t want to change the x/z coordinates, just build a vector by getting the x/z components from player.character.position and the y component from targetPoint. Then pass this vector to the lookAt function.

Thx for the reply!

Your solution worked with a box but not with mi character and i did not understand why.

After allot of cursing i found out that i need to use quaternion rotations because i’m rotating a physics root.

If i only knew this hours ago, i tryed every method i could find to rotate mi character.

It turned out to be easy, only two lines of code to reset the x and z axes.

game.scene.onPointerDown = function (evt, pickResult) {
        if (pickResult.hit) {

            player.physicsRoot.rotationQuaternion.x = 0;
            player.physicsRoot.rotationQuaternion.z = 0;