So I said I would deliver a set of grass textures for you to download, twist 'n tweak, play with and integrate in your project… so here goes:
This is version 1 preview and delivery of a package of ‘7 tiles (pseudo-) seamless assets of low-grass’. You can download a package of each in original 3k, 2k or 1k resolution.
There’s currently two ‘styles’ available for download: ‘Real’ (realistic, or better said, pseudo-realistic) or ‘Styled’ (with a brush effect and a limited color palette).
With a later to come, ‘Pixelart’ version.
They are v1, so nothing perfect at this moment. Likely, I will update some and release a new package. I will however keep with the same names (and links for the preview), so you will be able to just download the new package and replace all.
The PREVIEW PLAYGROUND features the 1K resolution version.
I added a small number of options and 2 roughly set materials to this preview (for the sake of ‘featuring’ the set of texture assets only. The materials and parameters used in the PG are nothing ‘real’ and by any means, this remains ‘per design’.
Quickly going through the PG Preview Interface, you’ll find:
To the bottom left:
- Button to switch between the set of ‘styles’ available (currently ‘real’ or ‘styled’)
- Below, left and right arrows to browse through the texture set (currently 7 texture sets)
- Visible only when selecting the ‘PBR with parallax’ material, a checkbox to select between the standard or alpha version of albedoTexture.
To the bottom center:
- Button to switch material between ‘default’ simple PBRMetallicRoughness material with a normal texture - or - Roughly set PBRMaterial using parallaxOcclusion and metallic roughness mode.
- Slider to adjust the strength of the bump/normal
- Visible only in PBR w/parallax mode, a slider to set the bias of parallaxOcclusion, set to a recom default.
To the bottom right:
- A button to switch between ‘preview’ (full-size texture) view - or - ‘tiled’ view
- Visible only when using ‘tiles’, a slider to adjust the size of tiles (from 2 to 8)
- Visible only when using ‘tiles’, the ‘bias FO’ slider lets you adjust the factor of ‘parallaxOcclusion Bias’ to ‘Tile size’. It’s a step slider. At position zero, the bias set in center does not change when changing the number of tiles. At position one (recommended), the bias uses the tile size as a multiplier, to keep with the FX at any tile-size. At positions two and three, the bias uses a tile size multiplier *2/-*3, to further push the FX (for preview or per design)
To the top right:
- A checkbox to use the default (hemi) light for previewing the texture - or - a simulated light environment using a directional light and a spot light with 2 shadow generators (for preview or per design).
As for the links to download, I will make them available also from my BJS Dropbox Share (sometime between today and monday).
Meanwhile, you can also download them from my preview environment on my Server (It should be safe to do so )
All packages are split into the ‘base’ and ‘alpha’ version of textures.
The base version contains JPG (non-alpha) version of textures: A base/albedo, An emissive or high-contrast RGB, A roughness (or greyscale with a white point set to light grey and a black point set below plain black), A basic normal texture (with a 20/20/20% on low, medium and high and a 0.1 precision )
The alpha version package extends the base package with 4 additional, alpha versions: A base/albedo with alpha, A greyscale with alpha and… probably most importantly when wanting to use parallax occlusion, A normal with alpha. The normal with alpha comes in two version: A soft and a harder opaque to alpha normal. One will provide a more ‘rounded’ result (the ‘soft alpha’) - the other (named alpha1) is the one used in the preview and makes for a more ‘crisp’ rendering of the bump/depth.
As said, each are available in full-resolution (3k), 2k or 1k.
The alpha version however is only available in 2k and 1k (and as a sidenote, I would highly recommend to use just the half or less resolution of the base for the alpha normal. You won’t notice any visual difference but the load of the texture will be a lot less when using just half or a third of the base/albedo).
So, here for the links:
Last but not least, it’s worth mentionning that despite from being ‘seamless’ these tiles are ‘rich textured’. Read that, even though I will likely improve the ‘seamless’ aspect a little in version 2, there will always remain a ‘pattern’ in it. In fact, these textures would best work using a masking/mixing technique, such as (in example), based on @PatrickRyan 's base of a node material:
Well, I hope you’ll find a way to make use of this in your project. For any question or request, feel free to ask.
Meanwhile, have a great day