Making Correct point of Polyhedra shape face towards another mesh

I’ve a question regarding the making a PolyHedra shapes certain edge always point towards another mesh.

I sort of got this to work as below:

private createKickingDiamond() {
  // Create the diamond shape for the kicking ring
  this.kickingDiamond = MeshBuilder.CreatePolyhedron("kickingDiamond", { type: 1, size: 0.5 }, this.scene);
  this.kickingDiamond.visibility = 0.8;
  this.kickingDiamond.position = new Vector3(2.20, -1.5, 2.85); // Adjust these values as needed

  // Create a gradient material
  const gradientMaterial = new GradientMaterial("grad", this.scene);
  gradientMaterial.topColor = Color3.Red(); // Set the gradient top color
  gradientMaterial.bottomColor = Color3.Blue(); // Set the gradient bottom color
  gradientMaterial.offset = 0.25;

  // Apply the gradient material to the diamond
  this.kickingDiamond.material = gradientMaterial;

  // Parent the diamond to the visual mesh so it follows the player's orientation
  this.kickingDiamond.parent = this.mesh;

private rotateKickingDiamondToBall() {
  if (!this.soccerBall) {
      console.error("SoccerBall is not initialized");

  const ballPosition = this.soccerBall.getPosition();
  const diamondPosition = this.kickingDiamond.getAbsolutePosition();

  const direction = ballPosition.subtract(diamondPosition).normalize();

  // Calculate yaw (rotation around Y axis)
  const yaw = Math.atan2(-direction.z, direction.x);

  // Calculate pitch (rotation around X axis)
  const pitch = Math.atan2(direction.y, Math.sqrt(direction.x * direction.x + direction.z * direction.z));

  // Apply rotations
  this.kickingDiamond.rotation.y = yaw;
  this.kickingDiamond.rotation.x = pitch;

It sort of works but I’d like the red top part of the polyhedra to point towards the mesh. I tried setting the initial rotation .x, .y, .z values to everything like this:

  // Initial orientation adjustment
  //this.kickingDiamond.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2; // Rotate 90 degrees around the X-axis to lay it flat
  //this.kickingDiamond.rotation.z = Math.PI / 2; // Rotate 180 degrees around the Z-axis to face the correct initial direction
  //this.kickingDiamond.rotation.y = Math.PI / 2; // Rotate 180 degrees around the Z-axis to face the correct initial direction

I tried playing around with all of the values, and never got the desired effect. Is there some easier method to achieve this?

You could use the lookAt method, or you could rotate it prior and bake the transforms into the mesh so you dont need rotation offset.

Thanks, I’ll try and let you know if it works! Eventually I’ll figure it out :smiley:


I didn’t get a chance to get back to you last week, and i was away for the weekend!

This solved my issues perfectly, thank you so much for making the playground! :slight_smile:

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