I’ve a question regarding the making a PolyHedra shapes certain edge always point towards another mesh.
I sort of got this to work as below:
private createKickingDiamond() {
// Create the diamond shape for the kicking ring
this.kickingDiamond = MeshBuilder.CreatePolyhedron("kickingDiamond", { type: 1, size: 0.5 }, this.scene);
this.kickingDiamond.visibility = 0.8;
this.kickingDiamond.position = new Vector3(2.20, -1.5, 2.85); // Adjust these values as needed
// Create a gradient material
const gradientMaterial = new GradientMaterial("grad", this.scene);
gradientMaterial.topColor = Color3.Red(); // Set the gradient top color
gradientMaterial.bottomColor = Color3.Blue(); // Set the gradient bottom color
gradientMaterial.offset = 0.25;
// Apply the gradient material to the diamond
this.kickingDiamond.material = gradientMaterial;
// Parent the diamond to the visual mesh so it follows the player's orientation
this.kickingDiamond.parent = this.mesh;
private rotateKickingDiamondToBall() {
if (!this.soccerBall) {
console.error("SoccerBall is not initialized");
const ballPosition = this.soccerBall.getPosition();
const diamondPosition = this.kickingDiamond.getAbsolutePosition();
const direction = ballPosition.subtract(diamondPosition).normalize();
// Calculate yaw (rotation around Y axis)
const yaw = Math.atan2(-direction.z, direction.x);
// Calculate pitch (rotation around X axis)
const pitch = Math.atan2(direction.y, Math.sqrt(direction.x * direction.x + direction.z * direction.z));
// Apply rotations
this.kickingDiamond.rotation.y = yaw;
this.kickingDiamond.rotation.x = pitch;
It sort of works but I’d like the red top part of the polyhedra to point towards the mesh. I tried setting the initial rotation .x, .y, .z values to everything like this:
// Initial orientation adjustment
//this.kickingDiamond.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2; // Rotate 90 degrees around the X-axis to lay it flat
//this.kickingDiamond.rotation.z = Math.PI / 2; // Rotate 180 degrees around the Z-axis to face the correct initial direction
//this.kickingDiamond.rotation.y = Math.PI / 2; // Rotate 180 degrees around the Z-axis to face the correct initial direction
I tried playing around with all of the values, and never got the desired effect. Is there some easier method to achieve this?