Kindly have a look into the below link, how to create this kind of marking with line to mention (annotation).
Example -
Docs - The Babylon GUI | Babylon.js Documentation
It is looking slightly similar to that, But not exactly. Just rotate the model, then the marking will change and the hotspot will automatically pick the point and markings also being as 2d whenever the model gets rotated. How this is working? any idea?
Any solutions or references for this?
I believe that you may
- Take the abovementioned example with GUI labels
- Cast a ray from the camera to some predefined point or model’s mesh.
- Check if this mesh is visible and apply some logic (hide label, move label etc as you like to).
You can do it from html
Click on cat to add the html label, it is up to you how you style it
Or from babylon GUI
later edit :))
I would go with babylonjs GUI and use occlusion query if you want to hide them when are ocluded