Hi guys and thank you for your hard work.
I’m using maya 2022, cuz older versions do not support some of the plugin i m using.
The problem is : i’m using the glb exporter provided by babylon js, but no bones are exporting. I tried many things as baking animation… it juste don t work !
I’m selecting my bones and trying to export, there are no bones exported … i don t understand what i m doing wrong. Could you help me ?

The maya scene is really simple , maya scene : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/eafkj0fpq07ougds5bjme/maya_bones.mb?rlkey=8xwm7z7joh06urkaqb4xp6pvf&st=nvt6h4mk&dl=0
@Thibaut, our exporter needs a skinned mesh for a skeleton to be exported. It doesn’t have to be the final mesh you want to use on the skeleton, but we have to have a mesh and skinning information for the skeleton to export. Best practice is to use the final mesh, but if you just want to bring in the skeleton alone, skin a plane or cube to it just so it exports to glTF, then once you import it, you can delete, disable, or hide the mesh and retarget your imported mesh to the new skeleton.
Also, you have export only selected ticked in the exporter. If you do this with a skeleton, you need to make sure you select every bone in the hierarchy, or it won’t export correctly. The easiest way to do that is shift + click the plus (+) to roll down the entire skeleton hierarchy, click the top node in the hierarchy, and shift + click the bottom node in the hierarchy. Then shift + click you meshes to include them in the export as well.
This should unblock you but feel free to ping with questions.
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Thank you very much for the quick answer, now it’s working !