Maze python Generators for models for BabylonJS

I do some python scripts maze generators for babylon with 3D components which has colliders…
showcase (angular+babylonjs):

Documentation Google Drive share directory with blender templates and its python scripts.

for those who will be interested in this topic



This is great ! :slight_smile:
I like procedural generation using Python + BabylonJS ! :smiley:

I know we are not a majority, but it would be nice to be able to choose keyboard bindings (–> AZERTY = :arrow_up: Z :arrow_left: Q :arrow_down: S :arrow_right: D) because, here, playing in QWERTy with AZERTY keyboard is a nightmare :joy:


I found out that FireFox works the best. There is sky box and it works smoother with old graphic cards. But Chrome and Opera does not show sky box. I don’t know where is bug. It could be Angular or Chrome and Opera.

Now I publish level from [20-24] generated mazes with blender script generator.

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Random maze generator in n depth with recursive. Level 24 is hard level for your GPU.

I add 25 and 26 level random generated. With new tiles variants.

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