I am trying to make a simple plane mesh to move around the the set with the arrow keys, but I can’t get the movement as smooth as the alien asset (or expected)
I have tried to use the animation object, and also to make translations of the object but none of them gives me a smooth transition/movement. It always looks like the alien has more computed fps than the moving mesh.
Maybe I don’t know how to use the “logic loop”? Can you help me?
Maybe I am too demanding with the animation, but for me it looks like it vibrates, or like it is not as smooth as butter. Also despite I get around 60fps with engine.getFps(), and this is how the ‘alien’ animation looks, the gameLogic (registerBeforeRender) call doesn’t look like is 60fps. Can there be a difference between the engine.getFPS and the registerBeforeRender real number of calls per second? That would explain my problem.
Yes, it may be my computer (elementary OS, chrome, hw accelerated, quad-core i5 1.6GHz, Nvidia GeForce, 8GB RAM). But I don’t understand why the ‘alien’ animation is very smooth and the ‘registerBeforeRender’ isn’t.
Also, I don’t understand the next results of engine.getFps() and the engine.getDeltaTime() on my computer, because the next captured consecutively results: