I have a tiny question, I’m trying to move the camera smoothly from one position (vector3) to an other one . So I thought about using Animation but I wanted to know if it exist an other easier way to do it.
Best regards,
I have a tiny question, I’m trying to move the camera smoothly from one position (vector3) to an other one . So I thought about using Animation but I wanted to know if it exist an other easier way to do it.
Best regards,
Hi. Yes, definetly this is the way.
You should fine some examples already done
my favorite
Hi, What you are seeking may be interpolation.
It moves your camera 5%(0.05) of remaining distance per frame.
scene.registerBeforeRender(function () {
camera.position = BABYLON.Vector3.Lerp(camera.position,camPosTo,0.05);
Hello both of you!
Thank you for your help I tried both options and it works well
But now I know and understand more how to use animations correctly and that’s amazing so thank you @MarianG !!! So I will use this method but 감사합니다 @satirev36481 too !!!