My camera ACT LIKE it is detached from canvas

Hey, can someone help me figure WHY lines 203/204 (which seem necessary for camera animations) are making my camera ACT LIKE it is detached from canvas? Is there a better way?

Hi, @aldin_abdagic, Can you specify unexpected behaviour a little more clear? I think some peoples, like me, can not understand what do you mean when talking about acting like detached from canvas.
Can you provide expected behaviour from more simple playground?

Itā€™s hard to help you with current provided data.

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hehe. Aldin was shy to post, and I told him exactly what to use as a playground, and what to say. heh.

Pretty clear. Not a complicated playground. Remark-out lines 203/204, and the camera starts acting-attached (it pans, tilts, etc - with mouse). Otherwise, camera pan/tilt is frozen/broken.

Remark-out line 207 if you want no initial animation.

Lines 159-169 are two animation funcsā€¦ one animates camera, the other, camera target.

Lines 171-201 are the button handlers.

Problem is, the camera animationsā€¦ NEED lines 203/204. BUTā€¦ we also need the arcCam to ā€œact attachedā€ (pan and tilt properly) after ANY animation completesā€¦ and/or before any animation starts.

SOā€¦ lines 203/204 are making the arcCamā€¦ fail to pan/tilt/orbit (with mouse). Understand? I hope so. Sorry for cluttered playground, but, itā€™s not so cluttered, really. :slight_smile:


How about the onAnimationEnd callback?


Works for me, TTC! Thank you!

Weā€™ll wait for Aldin to commentā€¦ and/or mark your answer as ā€œsolutionā€ā€¦ and/or ask more questions, and/or anything else. :slight_smile: Cooool.


Thanks timetocode on the right answer. Logunov next time I try to describe the problem in more detail. Wingnut my guru :slight_smile:
Since Iā€™m still learning babylon, would I ask you if I can get some babylon.js document, tutorial or ā€¦, which would describe the camera animation? Iā€™d like to learn it and figure out how it works.
I do not understand all the best of line 157 // camera movers ā€¦
Also if there was a shorter and more unified way to show the same animation?
Thank you

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Hi AA, thx for the kind words. There is no camera animation tutorial. There is a general/mesh animation tutorial/how-toā€¦ which applies to cameras/lights, too. Although not talked-about very much, notice lines 165 and 172 of #18 playground.

BABYLON.Animation.CreateAndStartAnimation is a VERY powerful animation tool. Study it, as wanted. But, more importantly, learn how to use it. Itā€™s handy. It has a sweet feature that I call ā€œAutomatic ValueType Sensingā€. No need to tell this animation methodā€¦ if you want to animate a vec3 or a float or a quaternion value. It automatically ā€œsensesā€ the correct animated-value dataType. Nice.

The target-position animator func (line 161), and the cam-position animator func (line 168) COULD be combined into ONE funcā€¦ with two createAndStartAnimation calls inside. Also, the newPos parameter would need to be replaced with TWO parametersā€¦ camPos and targPos.

Thatā€™s SOME ā€˜unifiedā€™.

Now, ready for more ā€œunifiedā€? We have 7 buttons and 7 setCamera handlers for those buttons.

EACH of those handlersā€¦ contains two Babylon.Vector3ā€™s. One is for the target position, the other for the camera position. Start by storing these vector3 valuesā€¦ in TWO arraysā€¦

var targetPositions = [new BABYLON.Vector3(blah, blah, blah), new Baby.. ];
(7 BJS vector3 in that arrayā€¦ one targetPosition for each button)
var cameraPositions = [new BABYLON.Vector3(blah, blah, blah), new Bab... ];
(7 BJS vector3 in that arrayā€¦ one cameraPosition for each button)

THENā€¦ you could combine ALL the funcs from lines 180 - 207ā€¦ into being ONE functionā€¦

var setCamera = function (targPos, camPos) {
        animateCameraTargetToPosition(camera, speed, frameCount, targPos);
        animateCameraToPosition(camera, speed, frameCount, camPos);

        // if you DID combine the two animator functions, then perhaps ONLY...
        animateCamera(camera, speed, frameCount, targPos, camPos);

Now, when a button is pressed, you callā€¦

setCamera(targetPositions[button_number], cameraPositions[same_number]);

Easy. One call, one unified function does all 7 animationsā€¦ all dependent-upon which values from the arraysā€¦ are used in the parameters. (which button was pressed ā€¦ 0-6)

Arrays always start with index ZERO. So, start your button numbers with 0, too. User pushes top buttonā€¦ then you might call: setCamera(targetPositions[0], cameraPositions[0]);

Now youā€™re rolling. Study your Javascript. Play with functions and parameters. By using parameters like targetPositions[num] and cameraPositions[num], we can make a ā€˜centralizedā€™ setCamera functionā€¦ which is more generic and re-usable.

The functions in lines 180-207ā€¦ are all nearly identical. But, there are 7 programmer-set vector3ā€™s for target positions, and 7 vector3ā€™s for camera positions. After you move those valuesā€¦ into two arraysā€¦ then combining the 7 functionsā€¦ becomes possible. Party on! I hope I havenā€™t said anything incorrect. :slight_smile:

I/we have gone off-topic, somewhat. Our main topic is solved. We are on Javascript Functions subject right now. :slight_smile: But, I wrote these inefficient animation functionsā€¦ so I felt responsibility for helping clean-up. :slight_smile:

Perhaps you want @timetocode to explain his freelook flags in the animation funcs? Notice it is set to falseā€¦ FIRST THING in the 2-animation sequence, and then set to trueā€¦ LAST THING in the 2-func sequence.

A callback function == run-this-func-when-done. It is the LAST allowed parameter of CreateAndStartAnimation function. It can be a function name, or an actual function itself, and it is optional (not required, but real useful). See Babylon.js Documentation. There, the callback function is named onAnimationEnd.

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Thanks wingnut for the great explanation. Perfect as always.
I must definitely learn more about animation and make your own examples. If I find a problem, I contact you ā€¦
At the moment, Iā€™m not quite as good at it, I have to read a lot ā€¦
Of course any explanation is welcome (freelook) because it will cover my learning ā€¦

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