My camera ACT LIKE it is detached from canvas

hehe. Aldin was shy to post, and I told him exactly what to use as a playground, and what to say. heh.

Pretty clear. Not a complicated playground. Remark-out lines 203/204, and the camera starts acting-attached (it pans, tilts, etc - with mouse). Otherwise, camera pan/tilt is frozen/broken.

Remark-out line 207 if you want no initial animation.

Lines 159-169 are two animation funcs… one animates camera, the other, camera target.

Lines 171-201 are the button handlers.

Problem is, the camera animations… NEED lines 203/204. BUT… we also need the arcCam to “act attached” (pan and tilt properly) after ANY animation completes… and/or before any animation starts.

SO… lines 203/204 are making the arcCam… fail to pan/tilt/orbit (with mouse). Understand? I hope so. Sorry for cluttered playground, but, it’s not so cluttered, really. :slight_smile: