As you can see the “transparency” of the wall, make the PhotoDome visible instead of the Ground.
I am looking a way that this transparency also removes the pixels, so the canvas is transparent in the area of the wall.
Any guidance how to achieve this example is appreciated.
I would like that the transparency also clears the PhotoDome and show the HTML dom element that is under the canvas that babylon is rendering…
The reason I would like to show the HTML dom element that is under the canvas.
Imagine that the background color is black. Then the result I want to achieve is :
They use setColorWrite(false) to avoid writing to the canvas and keep the current color as it is. As they have nothing else in the scene, the current color is the clear color so it’s fine (clear color has alpha=0).
But in your example, you draw the “transparent” box after the photodome, so we have the photodome colors in the canvas. Doing it my way will draw the box with alpha=0, meaning we will see the canvas instead.
@Evgeni_Popov following up your answer, I am curious, Do you know if there a resonable easy way to make the wall render first to the canvas before the photodrome so that can be also achieved using setColorWrite ?