First of all let us agree that there are now better ways to deal with dragging using behaviors. However the main issue is that when importing from a .babylon file picking is a problem since there seems to be two meshes to choose from. This has me very confused.
In the following PG I import the rabbit using SceneLoader.importMesh twice. On the first load I assign the rabbit to meshes[0] and in the second to meshes[1]. On the right is rabbit0 and rabbit1 is on the left. For both I set isPickable to false but it only applies to rabbit1.???
In the next PG I import once and assign to meshes[0] and meshes[1]. Only one rabbit is visible so attempt to split them by assigning to each a different position. Changing the position of rabbit1 and rabbit0 independently makes no difference the viewable rabbit moves as one. Again setting ârabbit0.isPickable = falseâ does not stop it being picked whilst changing (line 30) to ârabbit1.isPickable = falseâ does have an affect.
Finally in the following PG I try using clones as a means of further exploration
The imported rabbit (0 and 1) is front left, rabbit2 (a clone) is far to the back and rabbit3 (another clone) is mid distance and on the right. Interestingly (but strangely) the position of rabbit3 is tied to the imported rabbit - see what happens when you change values on lines 31 or 32. The usual business of isPickable applies to rabbit0 and rabbit1 but seemingly to rabbit2 and rabbit3 (change line 42 to rabbit3).
Having (to some extent) solved some of the issues the last question of the topic stumped me because of the above issue.