`packages/tools/sandbox` fails to build at the current tip of `master`


I just attempted to build and run the sandbox app locally. I intend to host a customized version of that to improve designers’ productivity as they design a space.

I’ll paste the full output from my attempt below verbatim, but here is a quick summary:

  • npm i succeeded at the root of Babylon.js repo. That built some build tools, etc, as intended.
  • cd packages/tools/sandbox && npm run build then failed with 13 compilation errors (see lines 100~170 in the full output below)
  • That’s it. Revision 4dccd6a96f (current tip of master), x86_64 GNU/Linux, node version 20.x, npm version 10.x.

This isn’t expected, is it?


Full output:

[dev]$ git clone git@github.com:BabylonJS/Babylon.js.git bjs
Cloning into 'bjs'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 307388, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (13340/13340), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (437/437), done.
remote: Total 307388 (delta 13099), reused 12903 (delta 12903), pack-reused 294048
Receiving objects: 100% (307388/307388), 1.09 GiB | 19.33 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (230431/230431), done.
Updating files: 100% (4323/4323), done.
[dev]$ cd bjs
[bjs]$ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
[bjs]$ git rev-parse HEAD
[bjs]$ uname -a
Linux laptop 6.5.9-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Oct 25 13:14:27 UTC 2023 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[bjs]$ node --version
[bjs]$ npm --version
[bjs]$ npm i --nosave

> @babylonjs/root@1.0.0 prepare
> ts-patch install -s && npm run build:tools && npm i @dev/build-tools -D && npm run build:assets && npm run build:test-tools

> @babylonjs/root@1.0.0 build:tools
> npm run build -w @dev/build-tools && npm run build -w eslint-plugin-babylonjs

> @dev/build-tools@1.0.0 build
> npm run compile

> @dev/build-tools@1.0.0 compile
> tsc -b tsconfig.build.json

> eslint-plugin-babylonjs@1.0.0 build
> tsc -b tsconfig.build.json

changed 1 package, and audited 2634 packages in 3s

337 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

4 moderate severity vulnerabilities

To address all issues, run:
  npm audit fix

Run `npm audit` for details.

> @babylonjs/root@1.0.0 build:assets
> build-tools -c pa --global

Babylon.js build tools
Command: pa
Processing assets from ./packages/**/*/src/**/*.+(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg|scss|css|html|json|fx)

> @babylonjs/root@1.0.0 build:test-tools
> npm run build -w @tools/test-tools

> @tools/test-tools@1.0.0 build
> npm run clean && npm run compile

> @tools/test-tools@1.0.0 clean
> rimraf dist && rimraf *.tsbuildinfo

> @tools/test-tools@1.0.0 compile
> tsc -b tsconfig.build.json

> @tools/test-tools@1.0.0 postcompile
> node scripts/copyDeclaration.js

changed 171 packages, and audited 2634 packages in 20s

337 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

4 moderate severity vulnerabilities

To address all issues, run:
  npm audit fix

Run `npm audit` for details.
[bjs]$ cd packages/tools/sandbox/
[sandbox]$ npm run build

> @tools/sandbox@1.0.0 build
> npm run clean && npm run compile

> @tools/sandbox@1.0.0 clean
> rimraf dist

> @tools/sandbox@1.0.0 compile
> tsc -b tsconfig.build.json

src/globalState.ts:13:58 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'loaders/glTF/index' or its corresponding type declarations.

13     public glTFLoaderExtensions: { [key: string]: import("loaders/glTF/index").IGLTFLoaderExtension } = {};

src/globalState.ts:30:31 - error TS2339: Property 'debugLayer' does not exist on type 'Scene'.

30             this.currentScene.debugLayer.show();

src/globalState.ts:37:31 - error TS2339: Property 'debugLayer' does not exist on type 'Scene'.

37             this.currentScene.debugLayer.hide();

src/components/renderingZone.tsx:7:32 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'loaders/glTF/glTFFileLoader' or its corresponding type declarations.

7 import { GLTFFileLoader } from "loaders/glTF/glTFFileLoader";

src/components/renderingZone.tsx:99:102 - error TS2339: Property 'debugLayer' does not exist on type 'Scene'.

99                     this.props.globalState.isDebugLayerEnabled = this.props.globalState.currentScene.debugLayer.isVisible();

src/components/renderingZone.tsx:102:37 - error TS2339: Property 'debugLayer' does not exist on type 'Scene'.

102                         this._scene.debugLayer.hide();

src/components/renderingZone.tsx:301:23 - error TS2339: Property 'debugLayer' does not exist on type 'Scene'.

301                 scene.debugLayer.show();

src/components/renderingZone.tsx:302:23 - error TS2339: Property 'debugLayer' does not exist on type 'Scene'.

302                 scene.debugLayer.select(texture, "PREVIEW");

src/components/renderingZone.tsx:375:75 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'loaders/glTF/index' or its corresponding type declarations.

375                 loader.onExtensionLoadedObservable.add((extension: import("loaders/glTF/index").IGLTFLoaderExtension) => {

src/components/renderingZone.tsx:379:51 - error TS7006: Parameter 'results' implicitly has an 'any' type.

379                 loader.onValidatedObservable.add((results) => {

src/components/reflectorZone.tsx:70:27 - error TS2339: Property 'debugLayer' does not exist on type 'Scene'.

70                     scene.debugLayer.show();

src/components/footer.tsx:9:45 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'loaders/glTF/2.0/Extensions/KHR_materials_variants' or its corresponding type declarations.

9 import type { KHR_materials_variants } from "loaders/glTF/2.0/Extensions/KHR_materials_variants";

src/components/footer.tsx:37:53 - error TS2339: Property 'debugLayer' does not exist on type 'Scene'.

37             if (this.props.globalState.currentScene.debugLayer.isVisible()) {

Found 13 errors.

npm ERR! Lifecycle script `compile` failed with error: 
npm ERR! Error: command failed 
npm ERR!   in workspace: @tools/sandbox@1.0.0 
npm ERR!   at location: [censored]/dev/bjs/packages/tools/sandbox 
npm ERR! Lifecycle script `build` failed with error: 
npm ERR! Error: command failed 
npm ERR!   in workspace: @tools/sandbox@1.0.0 
npm ERR!   at location: [censored]/dev/bjs/packages/tools/sandbox 

No other typescript versions installed on the machine; the expected one is in use, the one specified in Babylin.js/package.json:

# [bjs]$ npm i
# succeeded...
[bjs]$ npx tsc --version
Version 5.1.6

since this is a monorepo and the package depends on others, they need to be built as well.
What you can do is run npx nx run @tools/sandbox:build it will take care of all dependencies.
You can also run npm run build:dev which will resolve this specific issue, but using nx will be safer.


Thank you @RaananW , that worked, appreciate the instant response :pray: let me know if you want me to add some of this information into one of the README.md files or somewhere for future folks like myself to discover.

it’s already there :slight_smile:

The usage of the monorepo is documented in the doc page and in the buildSystem.md file, but i can understand it can be a bit overwhelming.

oh, that is very helpful, thank you. I wasn’t smart/lucky enough to discover that documentation. while I have your attention, just want to confirm: the recommended extensions in .vscode/extensions.json and things that buildSystem.md says about the vscode workflows is kept reasonably up-to-date and is expected to also work, right?

of course. i think the entire team is using exclusively vscode to develop babylon, so we make sure to keep it working well. If something doesn’t work well, let us know!

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