Parent = null vs setParent(null) documentation

parent = null vs setParent(null)

I"m removing a parent from a child mesh,

  1. when I use parent = null the child mesh uses its local position,scale and rotation in world space
  2. when I use setParent(null) the child mesh retains its local position,scale and rotation in world space with the parent’s position,scale and rotation…meaning - removing the parent does not create a visual change

Number 2 is the behaviour I want, but I don’t see it documented, so I want to make sure this is a feature that will be retained or that it is intended. Thanks

This is intented and I thought it was somehow documented but you are right, it is not
Pinging our Wizard of Words (aka @JohnK) to see if he could help here :slight_smile:


Will work on it :slightly_smiling_face:

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you rock!


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And merged!!!