I do the same thing for my Terrain Splatmap Shader that is also use Texture Atlas(s)
No i perturb then blend my normals… Here is a peek at my UniversalTerrainMaterial class i use for my Babylon Toolkit to export Unity Terrains (Using splatmaps and texture atlases).
I made the PBRCustomMaterial so I can have all the #define sections… But i dont really use that class from unity… I wrote UniversalTerrainMaterial that does the same stuff my PBRCustomMaterial does but it is design to export unity terrains with unity materials.
* Babylon universal terrain material pro class
* @class UniversalTerrainMaterial
export class UniversalTerrainMaterial extends BABYLON.UniversalAlbedoMaterial {
public constructor(name: string, scene: BABYLON.Scene) {
super(name, scene);
this.enableShaderChunks = true;
public getClassName(): string {
return "UniversalTerrainMaterial";
public getShaderName(): string {
return "pbr";
public getShaderChunk(): string {
return null;
protected updateShaderChunks(): void {
const colorName:string = "surfaceAlbedo";
const splatmapSampler:string = "splatmapSampler";
const detailsSampler:string = "detailsSampler";
const normalsSampler:string = "normalsSampler";
const colorCorrection:number = BABYLON.System.ToLinearSpace;
// ..
// Vertex Shader Chunks
// ..
if (this.materialShaderChunks.Vertex_Definitions != null && this.materialShaderChunks.Vertex_Definitions !== "") {
this.materialShaderChunks.Vertex_Definitions = this.formatTerrainVertexDefintions() + this.materialShaderChunks.Vertex_Definitions;
} else {
this.materialShaderChunks.Vertex_Definitions = this.formatTerrainVertexDefintions();
if (this.materialShaderChunks.Vertex_MainEnd != null && this.materialShaderChunks.Vertex_MainEnd !== "") {
this.materialShaderChunks.Vertex_MainEnd = this.formatTerrainVertexMainEnd() + this.materialShaderChunks.Vertex_MainEnd;
} else {
this.materialShaderChunks.Vertex_MainEnd = this.formatTerrainVertexMainEnd();
// ..
// Fragment Shader Chunks
// ..
if (this.materialShaderChunks.Fragment_Definitions != null && this.materialShaderChunks.Fragment_Definitions !== "") {
this.materialShaderChunks.Fragment_Definitions = this.formatTerrainFragmentDefintions(splatmapSampler, detailsSampler, normalsSampler) + this.materialShaderChunks.Fragment_Definitions;
} else {
this.materialShaderChunks.Fragment_Definitions = this.formatTerrainFragmentDefintions(splatmapSampler, detailsSampler, normalsSampler);
if (this.materialShaderChunks.Fragment_Custom_Albedo != null && this.materialShaderChunks.Fragment_Custom_Albedo !== "") {
this.materialShaderChunks.Fragment_Custom_Albedo = this.formatTerrainFragmentUpdateColor(this.terrainInfo, colorName, splatmapSampler, detailsSampler, normalsSampler, colorCorrection) + this.materialShaderChunks.Fragment_Custom_Albedo;
} else {
this.materialShaderChunks.Fragment_Custom_Albedo = this.formatTerrainFragmentUpdateColor(this.terrainInfo, colorName, splatmapSampler, detailsSampler, normalsSampler, colorCorrection);
private formatTerrainVertexDefintions():string {
return ("\r\n#define TERRAIN_VERTEX_DEFINITIONS\r\n\r\n"
+ "varying vec2 vSplatmapUV;\r\n"
+ "\r\n");
private formatTerrainVertexMainEnd():string {
return ("\r\n#define TERRAIN_VERTEX_MAIN_END\r\n\r\n"
+ "#ifdef UV1\r\n"
+ "vSplatmapUV = uv;\r\n"
+ "#endif\r\n"
+ "\r\n");
private formatTerrainFragmentDefintions(splatmapSampler:string, detailsSampler:string, normalsSampler:string):string {
return ("\r\n#define TERRAIN_FRAGMENT_DEFNITIONS\r\n\r\n"
+ "varying vec2 vSplatmapUV;\r\n"
+ "uniform sampler2D " + splatmapSampler + ";\r\n"
+ "uniform sampler2D " + detailsSampler + ";\r\n"
+ "uniform sampler2D " + normalsSampler + ";\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "float calculateMipmapLevel(const in vec2 uvs, const in vec2 size)\r\n"
+ "{\r\n"
+ " vec2 dx = dFdx(uvs * size.x);\r\n"
+ " vec2 dy = dFdy(uvs * size.y);\r\n"
+ " float d = max(dot(dx, dx), dot(dy, dy));\r\n"
+ " return 0.4 * log2(d);\r\n"
+ "}\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "vec4 sampleTextureAtlas2D(const in sampler2D atlas, const in float gamma, const in vec2 tile, const in vec4 rect, in vec2 uvs, in float lod)\r\n"
+ "{\r\n"
+ " if (lod < 0.0) lod = clamp(calculateMipmapLevel(uvs, vec2(tile.x, tile.x)), 0.0, tile.y); // Tile Info (tile.xy)\r\n"
+ " float size = pow(2.0, tile.y - lod); // Tile Bits (tile.y)\r\n"
+ " float sizex = size / rect.z; // Tile Width (rect.z)\r\n"
+ " float sizey = size / rect.w; // Tile Height (rect.w)\r\n"
+ " uvs = fract(uvs); // Perfrom Tiling (fract)\r\n"
+ " uvs.x = uvs.x * ((sizex * rect.z - 1.0) / sizex) + 0.5 / sizex + rect.z * rect.x; // Tile Position X (rect.x)\r\n"
+ " uvs.y = uvs.y * ((sizey * rect.w - 1.0) / sizey) + 0.5 / sizey + rect.w * rect.y; // Tile Position Y (rect.y)\r\n"
+ " vec4 color = texture2DLodEXT(atlas, uvs, lod);\r\n"
+ " if (gamma != 1.0) {\r\n"
+ " color.r = pow(color.r, gamma);\r\n"
+ " color.g = pow(color.g, gamma);\r\n"
+ " color.b = pow(color.b, gamma);\r\n"
+ " }\r\n"
+ " return color;\r\n"
+ "}\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "vec4 sampleSplatmapAtlas2D(const in sampler2D atlas, const in vec2 tile, const in vec4 rect, in vec2 uvs)\r\n"
+ "{\r\n"
+ " float size = pow(2.0, tile.y); // Tile Bits (tile.y)\r\n"
+ " float sizex = size / rect.z; // Tile Width (rect.z)\r\n"
+ " float sizey = size / rect.w; // Tile Height (rect.w)\r\n"
+ " uvs.x = uvs.x * ((sizex * rect.z - 1.0) / sizex) + 0.5 / sizex + rect.z * rect.x; // Tile Position X (rect.x)\r\n"
+ " uvs.y = uvs.y * ((sizey * rect.w - 1.0) / sizey) + 0.5 / sizey + rect.w * rect.y; // Tile Position Y (rect.y)\r\n"
+ " return texture2D(atlas, uvs);\r\n"
+ "}\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "vec3 blendSplatmapAtlasColors(const in vec4 splatmap, in vec4 color1, in vec4 color2, in vec4 color3, in vec4 color4, in vec3 mixbuffer)\r\n"
+ "{\r\n"
+ " vec3 buffer1 = mix(mixbuffer, color1.rgb, splatmap.r);\r\n"
+ " vec3 buffer2 = mix(buffer1, color2.rgb, splatmap.g);\r\n"
+ " vec3 buffer3 = mix(buffer2, color3.rgb, splatmap.b);\r\n"
+ " return mix(buffer3, color4.rgb, splatmap.a);\r\n"
+ "}\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "vec3 perturbNormalSamplerColor(mat3 cotangentFrame, vec3 samplerColor, float scale)\r\n"
+ "{\r\n"
+ " vec3 map = samplerColor.xyz;\r\n"
+ " map = map * 2.00787402 - 1.00787402;\r\n"
+ " #ifdef NORMALXYSCALE\r\n"
+ " map = normalize(map * vec3(scale, scale, 1.0));\r\n"
+ " #endif\r\n"
+ " return normalize(cotangentFrame * map);\r\n"
+ "}\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "\r\n");
private formatTerrainFragmentUpdateColor(terrainInfo:any, colorName:string, splatmapSampler:string, detailsSampler:string, normalsSampler:string, colorCorrection:number = 1.0):string {
let result:string = "";
if (terrainInfo != null && terrainInfo.textureAtlas != null && terrainInfo.splatmapAtlas != null && terrainInfo.splatmapCount > 0) {
result = ("\r\n#define TERRAIN_FRAGMENT_UPDATE_COLOR\r\n\r\n"
+ "vec3 normalsColor = vec3(0.5, 0.5, 1.0);\r\n"
+ "vec3 normalsBuffer = normalW.rgb;\r\n"
+ "vec3 splatmapBuffer = " + colorName + ".rgb;\r\n"
+ "float autoMipMapLevel = -1.0;\r\n"
+ "float normalCorrection = 1.0;\r\n"
+ "float detailCorrection = " + colorCorrection.toFixed(4) + ";\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "#if defined(ALBEDO) && defined(" + splatmapSampler.toUpperCase() + ") && defined(" + detailsSampler.toUpperCase() + ")\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "// Reset Normal Values\r\n"
+ "#if defined(BUMP) || defined(PARALLAX) || defined(ANISOTROPIC)\r\n"
+ " uvOffset = vec2(0.0, 0.0);\r\n"
+ " #ifdef NORMAL\r\n"
+ " normalW = normalize(vNormalW);\r\n"
+ " #else\r\n"
+ " normalW = normalize(cross(dFdx(vPositionW), dFdy(vPositionW))) * vEyePosition.w;\r\n"
+ " #endif\r\n"
+ " #ifdef CLEARCOAT\r\n"
+ " clearCoatNormalW = normalW;\r\n"
+ " #endif\r\n"
+ " #if defined(BUMP) || defined(PARALLAX)\r\n"
+ " #if defined(TANGENT) && defined(NORMAL)\r\n"
+ " TBN = vTBN;\r\n"
+ " #else\r\n"
+ " TBN = cotangent_frame(normalW, vPositionW, vSplatmapUV);\r\n"
+ " #endif\r\n"
+ " #elif defined(ANISOTROPIC)\r\n"
+ " #if defined(TANGENT) && defined(NORMAL)\r\n"
+ " TBN = vTBN;\r\n"
+ " #else\r\n"
+ " TBN = cotangent_frame(normalW, vPositionW, vSplatmapUV, vec2(1.0, 1.0));\r\n"
+ " #endif\r\n"
+ " #endif\r\n"
+ " #ifdef PARALLAX\r\n"
+ " invTBN = transposeMat3(TBN);\r\n"
+ " #endif\r\n"
+ " normalW = perturbNormalSamplerColor(TBN, normalsColor, 1.0);\r\n"
+ "#endif\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "// Global Atlas Values\r\n"
+ "float splatTileSize = " + terrainInfo.splatmapAtlas[2].toFixed(4) + ";\r\n"
+ "float splatTileBits = " + terrainInfo.splatmapAtlas[3].toFixed(4) + ";\r\n"
+ "float detailTileSize = " + terrainInfo.textureAtlas[2].toFixed(4) + ";\r\n"
+ "float detailTileBits = " + terrainInfo.textureAtlas[3].toFixed(4) + ";\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "// Sample splatmap textures\r\n");
// Sample Each Splatmap Textures
let counter:number = 0;
for (let index:number = 0; index < terrainInfo.splatmapCount; index++) {
counter = (index * 4);
const splatmapRect:number[] = terrainInfo["splatmapRect" + index];
result += "vec4 splatmapRect" + index + " = vec4(" + splatmapRect[0].toFixed(4) + ", " + splatmapRect[1].toFixed(4) + ", " + splatmapRect[2].toFixed(4) + ", " + splatmapRect[3].toFixed(4) + ");\r\n";
result += "vec4 splatmapAlbedo" + index + " = sampleSplatmapAtlas2D(" + splatmapSampler + ", vec2(splatTileSize, splatTileBits), splatmapRect" + index + ", (vSplatmapUV + uvOffset));\r\n";
result += "vec4 textureAlbedo" + (counter + 0) + " = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n";
result += "vec4 textureAlbedo" + (counter + 1) + " = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n";
result += "vec4 textureAlbedo" + (counter + 2) + " = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n";
result += "vec4 textureAlbedo" + (counter + 3) + " = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n";
if (terrainInfo["textureRect" + (counter + 0)])
const textureRect:number[] = terrainInfo["textureRect" + (counter + 0)];
const textureInfo:number[] = terrainInfo["textureInfo" + (counter + 0)];
result += "vec4 textureRect" + (counter + 0) + " = vec4(" + textureRect[0].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureRect[1].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureRect[2].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureRect[3].toFixed(4) + ");\r\n";
result += "vec2 textureScale" + (counter + 0) + " = vec2(" + textureInfo[0].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureInfo[1].toFixed(4) + ");\r\n";
result += "vec2 textureOffset" + (counter + 0) + " = vec2(" + textureInfo[2].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureInfo[3].toFixed(4) + ");\r\n";
result += "vec2 textureTileUV" + (counter + 0) + " = ((vSplatmapUV + textureOffset" + (counter + 0) + ") * textureScale" + (counter + 0) + ");\r\n";
result += "textureAlbedo" + (counter + 0) + " = sampleTextureAtlas2D(" + detailsSampler + ", detailCorrection, vec2(detailTileSize, detailTileBits), textureRect" + (counter + 0) + ", textureTileUV" + (counter + 0) + ", autoMipMapLevel);\r\n";
if (terrainInfo["textureRect" + (counter + 1)])
const textureRect:number[] = terrainInfo["textureRect" + (counter + 1)];
const textureInfo:number[] = terrainInfo["textureInfo" + (counter + 1)];
result += "vec4 textureRect" + (counter + 1) + " = vec4(" + textureRect[0].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureRect[1].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureRect[2].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureRect[3].toFixed(4) + ");\r\n";
result += "vec2 textureScale" + (counter + 1) + " = vec2(" + textureInfo[0].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureInfo[1].toFixed(4) + ");\r\n";
result += "vec2 textureOffset" + (counter + 1) + " = vec2(" + textureInfo[2].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureInfo[3].toFixed(4) + ");\r\n";
result += "vec2 textureTileUV" + (counter + 1) + " = ((vSplatmapUV + textureOffset" + (counter + 1) + ") * textureScale" + (counter + 1) + ");\r\n";
result += "textureAlbedo" + (counter + 1) + " = sampleTextureAtlas2D(" + detailsSampler + ", detailCorrection, vec2(detailTileSize, detailTileBits), textureRect" + (counter + 1) + ", textureTileUV" + (counter + 1) + ", autoMipMapLevel);\r\n";
if (terrainInfo["textureRect" + (counter + 2)])
const textureRect:number[] = terrainInfo["textureRect" + (counter + 2)];
const textureInfo:number[] = terrainInfo["textureInfo" + (counter + 2)];
result += "vec4 textureRect" + (counter + 2) + " = vec4(" + textureRect[0].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureRect[1].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureRect[2].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureRect[3].toFixed(4) + ");\r\n";
result += "vec2 textureScale" + (counter + 2) + " = vec2(" + textureInfo[0].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureInfo[1].toFixed(4) + ");\r\n";
result += "vec2 textureOffset" + (counter + 2) + " = vec2(" + textureInfo[2].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureInfo[3].toFixed(4) + ");\r\n";
result += "vec2 textureTileUV" + (counter + 2) + " = ((vSplatmapUV + textureOffset" + (counter + 2) + ") * textureScale" + (counter + 2) + ");\r\n";
result += "textureAlbedo" + (counter + 2) + " = sampleTextureAtlas2D(" + detailsSampler + ", detailCorrection, vec2(detailTileSize, detailTileBits), textureRect" + (counter + 2) + ", textureTileUV" + (counter + 2) + ", autoMipMapLevel);\r\n";
if (terrainInfo["textureRect" + (counter + 3)])
const textureRect:number[] = terrainInfo["textureRect" + (counter + 3)];
const textureInfo:number[] = terrainInfo["textureInfo" + (counter + 3)];
result += "vec4 textureRect" + (counter + 3) + " = vec4(" + textureRect[0].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureRect[1].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureRect[2].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureRect[3].toFixed(4) + ");\r\n";
result += "vec2 textureScale" + (counter + 3) + " = vec2(" + textureInfo[0].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureInfo[1].toFixed(4) + ");\r\n";
result += "vec2 textureOffset" + (counter + 3) + " = vec2(" + textureInfo[2].toFixed(4) + ", " + textureInfo[3].toFixed(4) + ");\r\n";
result += "vec2 textureTileUV" + (counter + 3) + " = ((vSplatmapUV + textureOffset" + (counter + 3) + ") * textureScale" + (counter + 3) + ");\r\n";
result += "textureAlbedo" + (counter + 3) + " = sampleTextureAtlas2D(" + detailsSampler + ", detailCorrection, vec2(detailTileSize, detailTileBits), textureRect" + (counter + 3) + ", textureTileUV" + (counter + 3) + ", autoMipMapLevel);\r\n";
result += "splatmapBuffer = blendSplatmapAtlasColors(splatmapAlbedo" + index + ", textureAlbedo" + (counter + 0) + ", textureAlbedo" + (counter + 1) + ", textureAlbedo" + (counter + 2) + ", textureAlbedo" + (counter + 3) + ", splatmapBuffer);\r\n";
result += "#if defined(BUMP) || defined(PARALLAX) || defined(ANISOTROPIC)\r\n";
result += " #if defined(" + normalsSampler.toUpperCase() + ")\r\n";
result += " vec4 normalColor" + (counter + 0) + " = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n";
result += " vec4 normalColor" + (counter + 1) + " = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n";
result += " vec4 normalColor" + (counter + 2) + " = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n";
result += " vec4 normalColor" + (counter + 3) + " = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n";
if (terrainInfo["textureRect" + (counter + 0)])
const normalScale:number = terrainInfo["normalsScale" + (counter + 0)];
result += " float normalScale" + (counter + 0) + " = " + normalScale.toFixed(4) + ";\r\n";
result += " normalColor" + (counter + 0) + " = sampleTextureAtlas2D(" + normalsSampler + ", normalCorrection, vec2(detailTileSize, detailTileBits), textureRect" + (counter + 0) + ", textureTileUV" + (counter + 0) + ", autoMipMapLevel);\r\n";
result += " normalColor" + (counter + 0) + ".rgb = perturbNormalSamplerColor(TBN, normalColor" + (counter + 0) + ".rgb, normalScale" + (counter + 0) + ");\r\n";
if (terrainInfo["textureRect" + (counter + 1)])
const normalScale:number = terrainInfo["normalsScale" + (counter + 1)];
result += " float normalScale" + (counter + 1) + " = " + normalScale.toFixed(4) + ";\r\n";
result += " normalColor" + (counter + 1) + " = sampleTextureAtlas2D(" + normalsSampler + ", normalCorrection, vec2(detailTileSize, detailTileBits), textureRect" + (counter + 1) + ", textureTileUV" + (counter + 1) + ", autoMipMapLevel);\r\n";
result += " normalColor" + (counter + 1) + ".rgb = perturbNormalSamplerColor(TBN, normalColor" + (counter + 1) + ".rgb, normalScale" + (counter + 1) + ");\r\n";
if (terrainInfo["textureRect" + (counter + 2)])
const normalScale:number = terrainInfo["normalsScale" + (counter + 2)];
result += " float normalScale" + (counter + 2) + " = " + normalScale.toFixed(4) + ";\r\n";
result += " normalColor" + (counter + 2) + " = sampleTextureAtlas2D(" + normalsSampler + ", normalCorrection, vec2(detailTileSize, detailTileBits), textureRect" + (counter + 2) + ", textureTileUV" + (counter + 2) + ", autoMipMapLevel);\r\n";
result += " normalColor" + (counter + 2) + ".rgb = perturbNormalSamplerColor(TBN, normalColor" + (counter + 2) + ".rgb, normalScale" + (counter + 2) + ");\r\n";
if (terrainInfo["textureRect" + (counter + 3)])
const normalScale:number = terrainInfo["normalsScale" + (counter + 3)];
result += " float normalScale" + (counter + 3) + " = " + normalScale.toFixed(4) + ";\r\n";
result += " normalColor" + (counter + 3) + " = sampleTextureAtlas2D(" + normalsSampler + ", normalCorrection, vec2(detailTileSize, detailTileBits), textureRect" + (counter + 3) + ", textureTileUV" + (counter + 3) + ", autoMipMapLevel);\r\n";
result += " normalColor" + (counter + 3) + ".rgb = perturbNormalSamplerColor(TBN, normalColor" + (counter + 3) + ".rgb, normalScale" + (counter + 3) + ");\r\n";
result += " normalsBuffer = blendSplatmapAtlasColors(splatmapAlbedo" + index + ", normalColor" + (counter + 0) + ", normalColor" + (counter + 1) + ", normalColor" + (counter + 2) + ", normalColor" + (counter + 3) + ", normalsBuffer);\r\n";
result += " #endif\r\n";
result += "#endif\r\n";
result += "\r\n";
result += ("// Update Color Values\r\n"
+ colorName + ".rgb = splatmapBuffer.rgb;\r\n"
+ "#if defined(BUMP) || defined(PARALLAX) || defined(ANISOTROPIC)\r\n"
+ " #if defined(" + normalsSampler.toUpperCase() + ")\r\n"
+ " normalW.rgb = normalsBuffer.rgb;\r\n"
+ " #endif\r\n"
+ " #if defined(FORCENORMALFORWARD) && defined(NORMAL)\r\n"
+ " vec3 faceNormal = normalize(cross(dFdx(vPositionW), dFdy(vPositionW))) * vEyePosition.w;\r\n"
+ " #if defined(TWOSIDEDLIGHTING)\r\n"
+ " faceNormal = gl_FrontFacing ? faceNormal : -faceNormal;\r\n"
+ " #endif\r\n"
+ " normalW *= sign(dot(normalW, faceNormal));\r\n"
+ " #endif\r\n"
+ " #if defined(TWOSIDEDLIGHTING) && defined(NORMAL)\r\n"
+ " normalW = gl_FrontFacing ? normalW : -normalW;\r\n"
+ " #endif\r\n"
+ "#endif\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "#endif\r\n"
+ "\r\n");
return result;
That has all my code i use for splatmaps, texture atlasing, blending or mixing colors and most important my sampleTextureAtlas2D functions with support for LODS and full MIPMAP support… so far away looks blured…
Take a look at how i pragmatically build up the terrain shader to support up to 64 textures without exceeding MAX TEXTURES
Anyways… the good stuff you want is in the formatTerrainFragmentUpdateColor function.
Hope that helps