phone touchmove scene.simulatePointerMove()
demo url
browser → F12 → Developer Mode
phone size 561 * 661
phone touchmove scene.simulatePointerMove()
demo url
browser → F12 → Developer Mode
phone size 561 * 661
red area
no effect
I did answer something similar lately, you didn’t really integrate the changes I have made to that PR.
I am not too sure why you want to emulate pointer events on a full-screen layout, but let’s say there is a use-case that needs that.
If you emulate pointer events, register pointer events - touchstart = pointerdown, touchmove = pointermove, touchend = pointerup
Make sure to pass the event to simulatePointer???
Then clicking on the GUI elements will work.
phone touchmove scene.simulatePointerMove() bug | Babylon.js Playground (
Also, make sure your layout is 100% on the canvas and not 100% on the screen, as this can be confusing (and wrong)
Thank you