Physic template for WebXR camera (WebXR/Physic/Camera)

I’m not 100% sure what you mean by “6DOF work saving,” but the short answer is that it should be possible to do this same sort of thing for XR, and in fact I do plan to create first-person character controllers, including for XR, as part of next year’s continuing golden path efforts.

However, making an XR character controller won’t be done in a single step as there are quite a few other technologies that need to be in place for that to make sense. Thus, an XR character controller probably won’t be a part of even the first several golden paths I work on next year because other challenges (site integration, content reuse/package logistics, environment physics, etc.) will need to be tackled first. If you want to help make sure this becomes a priority as soon as possible, though, keep an eye out for golden path-related topics on the forum and help make sure we know this is something the community wants. Looking forward to it!

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