Hi there,
I’ve been trying to get my loaded meshes into the scene in a correct way, but I’m struggling to get it right.
This is my loader for now:
// >>> ScaleObj about specific point
export const MeshLoader = function name(scene:Scene, options:{path:string; filename:string; scale?:number}) {
let scale:number = options.scale !== undefined ? options.scale : 1;
let path = typeof options.path !== 'undefined' ? options.path : undefined;
if (!path) { return }
let filename = typeof options.filename !== 'undefined' ? options.filename : undefined;
let rmvList:Array<string> = ['_tekst']; //, 'Bomenrij'
let matCapM:StandardMaterial = matCapMat(scene, '../assets/textures/matcap/c2c8c37a7fd44867992bcae1e92ad125.jpg');
var utilLayer = new UtilityLayerRenderer(scene);
var gizmo = new PositionGizmo(utilLayer, 0.4);
let impAxis = new TransformNode("axRoot");
// impAxis.rotation = new Vector3(-Deg2Rad(90),0,0); // correct import rotation
let model = SceneLoader.ImportMesh('', path, filename, scene, function (mesh) {
// let bbMain = new BoundingInfo(new Vector3(), new Vector3())
// let bb = new BoundingInfo(new Vector3, new Vector3);
let parent = new Mesh("parent", scene);
for (const o of mesh) {
// bb.getBoundingInfo().encapsulateBoundingInfo(o.getBoundingInfo());
// bbMain.encapsulateBoundingInfo(o.getBoundingInfo())
// console.log(bbMain);
let oMin = o.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.minimum;
let oMax = o.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.maximum;
let parentMin = parent.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.minimum;
let parentMax = parent.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.maximum;
let newMin = Vector3.Minimize(oMin, parentMin);
let newMax = Vector3.Maximize(oMax, parentMax);
parent.setBoundingInfo(new BoundingInfo(newMin, newMax));
o.parent = parent;
// try { o.material = matCapM } catch (error) { console.log(error) }
// if (contains(o.name, rmvList)) { o.dispose() }
let bb_center = parent.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.center
let bb_min = parent.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.minimum
let bb_centerbtm = new Vector3(-bb_center._x, -bb_min._y, -bb_center._z)
// parent.setPivotPoint(bb_centerbtm)
impAxis.position = bb_centerbtm;
// console.log(parent.getPivotPoint());
// parent.setPivotPoint(bb_centerbtm)
// console.log(parent.getPivotPoint());
// parent.position = Vector3.Zero()
let scale_ing_vec = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);
parent.scaling = scale_ing_vec
parent.translate(bb_centerbtm, 1)
// CreateSphere('x', {diameter:1}).position = new Vector3(bb_center._x, bb_min._y, bb_center._z)
// parent.position = new Vector3(-bb_center._x, -bb_min._y, -bb_center._z)
// parent.position = bb_centerbtm
parent.showBoundingBox = true;
gizmo.attachedMesh = parent;
// let minPos = bbMain.boundingBox.minimum._z
// console.log(minPos);
// impAxis.translate(new Vector3(0,1,0), minPos);
return impAxis;
// MeshLoader(scene, {
// path: '../../../../resources/models/BlenderExportTest_00/',
// filename: 'chair_00.glb',
// scale:1,
// })
I’ve commented out some tests, but left them there so you know what’s been tested here.
What I’ve tried to do here is the following:
- Loading my assets based on path and filename
- So the 3D model consists out of different meshes each time
They’re loaded correctly but most of the models are saved with the pivot point not at the center bottom. - I’m generating a combined bounding box to find the combined center bottom for the complete model.
- Each sub mesh is parented to an empty mesh
- This mesh is parented to a gizmo
So a few things are going wrong in my opinion here.
- I can’t seem to get the pivot point center bottom, it will remain in the original position
- This causes that I have to scale the object before moving it to the origin
- In some cases the model is rotated (but I guess this is with different exports, y/z as up vector)
So my question:
- What’s the most efficient way to link imported meshes together
- Getting the center bottom position
- Placing the pivot point there
- To in the end easily position the new pivot point at the origin (for ex) and scale it according to the new pivot point.
Thanks a lot!