The general gist of what problems I’m encountering can be found here : Stuck on finding the correct orientation of a mesh lookAt() and mesh disappearing when approaching it - #6 by HappyDev
In summary :
- Right now the easiest way I have found for using models with animations and all that in my scene is via loading them separately from the rest of the level via code. This creates the problem of not having an external editor like Blender so I can place them in the scene where I want them to be. So it’s either guess work fiddling with x,y,z positions manually OR by creating an empty mesh in my Blender scene in a position I desire and then having the separately imported models get the scene of that empty mesh.
// Root node of skeleton enemy var skeleton1 = scene.getTransformNodeByName("SkeletonArmature").parent; // Get the position of the empty mesh from Blender created scene skeleton1.position = scene.getTransformNodeByName("SkeletonPosition1").position;
- I imported the mesh with its animations and all that but that works only for that particular imported model. Cloning doesn’t clone the skeleton animations and the easiest way,according to a forum search, is to just reimport the model. How can I do that with the assetmanager ? Do I need to have “Enemy.glb”,“Enemy2.glb”,“Enemy3.glb” etc and load them ?
So the easiest way to beat all my problems would be what the title suggests. It seems that when you import many glb models in blender the root nodes of each merge when exported so if I could make that not happen it would be so helpful.