Prevent collision between 2 meshes

Thanks for your replies guys. Let me clarify!

What I want to achieve is very similar to this Babylon.js Playground from this thread PointerDragBehavior with collision (pinging @timetocode @trevordev)

The difference is that I don’t want to drag the mesh, I want the mesh to follow the mouse, unless it hits another mesh. If the mesh hits a wall, then it should be able to wall slide like the example above.

Instead of using


I am now using



My problem now, is that I dont know what delta is (?). Can I get it from pointerInfo?

sphere.position.x -=

Also, now that I am using onPointerObservable, is there a better way to get the mousePointer location instead of using scene.pick(scene.pointerX, scene.pointerY) ?

In conclusion, I will have a bunch of tubes on the ground and I want to make sure that the box does NOT go through them.

I hope this makes things clearer.