Problem of clicking after enable interactions in VR mode
Problem of clicking on mesh after enable interactions in VR mode .
var vrHelper = scene.createDefaultVRExperience({displayLaserPointer:true});
vrHelper.displayLaserPointer = true;
vrHelper.onNewMeshSelected.add(function(mesh) {
console.log(mesh); // I want to trigger; here any ideas this is not working
I have read documents + many example but my button is not
BABYLON.GUI.MeshButton3D( plane ,“buttonsl”+index); getting clicked when i hover for 5 to 10 sec .

Kindly help .

pinging @trevordev

Does this playground work for you?
I see click in the console in that.

no its not working when i click using Vr mode it works when i click on it by mouse ,
secondly , it should atleast wait or show some timer so that person watching on vr mode .
for example the person can hardly/never reach for buttons in center/middle of rows or columns.Presently it is like hover effect on buttons.

What headset are you using? Are you able to click in any playground, does this playground work for you? if you click on the color box?

What do you mean by “it should atleast wait or show some timer so that person watching on vr mode”, are you saying you want to click by hovering instead of with a controller button? If that the case you could see this thread: Selecting mesh without gamepads and controllers - Questions & Answers - HTML5 Game Devs Forum

I am just using Simple mobile to view it.
Does it work for you if you click on the color box?