`processorOptions is null`

I am trying to run this volumetric atmospheric scattering code from BarthPaleologue on this Vite-BabylonJS boilerplate from paganaye. I have a repo here which will produce the error processorOptions is null in the Firefox console (also occurs on Chrome with similar error) after:

  1. git clone git@github.com:AJamesPhillips/babylonjs-vite-boilerplate.git
  2. pnpm install
  3. npm run dev

node --version // v17.6.0
Firefox version // 108.0
Mac // 12.2.1

If I comment out this line in the BabylonJS code base then it works without erroring.

I should have added that the entry point to the code using the PostProcess is here:

babylonjs-vite-boilerplate/AppOne.tsx at main · AJamesPhillips/babylonjs-vite-boilerplate · GitHubbabylonjs-vite-boilerplate/HomePage.tsx at main · AJamesPhillips/babylonjs-vite-boilerplate · GitHubbabylonjs-vite-boilerplate/create_earth.ts at main · AJamesPhillips/babylonjs-vite-boilerplate · GitHubbabylonjs-vite-boilerplate/atmosphericScattering.ts at main · AJamesPhillips/babylonjs-vite-boilerplate · GitHub

I can trim down & tidy up the repo if you want a minimal reproducible bug @Evgeni_Popov

Thanks, I have a fix for it but I need to test it first. The PR should come in a few minutes.

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Bug fixed by PR: