I’m confused about the results I am getting when baking scale. In this PG, I have a globe that I am importing that I want to add some “pins” right now just spheres, to its surface. The globe mesh is too small and not aligned with the world axes so I apply a scale and rotation to the mesh. However, I don’t want a scale transform on the mesh (as that would affect the pin scale and distance) so I bake the transforms into the globe mesh. Then I measure the globe diameter using getHierarchyBounds(). When I then apply that diameter to place the pins, they end up placed a distance equal to the original, unscaled diameter. I printed the extents before an after baking and the results do not match what I would expect
Before baking: {min: e, max: e}max: e {_isDirty: true, *x: 3.199124276268112, *y: 2.4959757924079895, z: 3.199124155151475}min: e {isDirty: true, *x: -3.199124082481493, *y: -2.4959759414196014, _z: -3.1991242035981298}[[Prototype]]: Object
After baking: {min: e, max: e}max: e {_isDirty: true, *x: 0.2495976, *y: 0.249597579, z: 0.2495976}min: e {isDirty: true, *x: -0.2495976, *y: -0.2495976, _z: -0.2495976}[[Prototype]]: Object
Also strange is that, when I select the globe mesh in bounding box mode in inspector, The BB only includes the pins (which are clustered inside the globe, based on the original mesh diameter).
Can someone explain why the measured diameter of the globe is smaller after baking and how the bounding box does not appear to include the vertices of the globe mesh?