React-babylonjs package question for first time use

Hello guys.
I would like to give it a try to this package, so I have some questions to ask.
Is this inspired on React-three-fiber package for threejs ? or similar ?
Will this package be part of the BBJs official ecosystem ?
Is there any limitation / consideration / recommendation to be aware about it ?
Is there any starting script recommended , I would like to inlcude some physic engine in my testing project.

Thanks !!!

The same as for React and Babylon.js

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Adding @brianzinn the daddy of this framework to the thread

@labris is right in what he said.

No, it was partially inspired by react-pixi project, but mainly I was using both projects quite a bit at the time. r3f hadn’t started yet. Actually in the initial versions I wasn’t using “Fiber” or the reconciler. That was a later addition insipred from some discussions on github.

No, it also won’t get the @babylonjs for NPM or playground support. That is reserved for official repos.

Shouldn’t be any limitations - there is not 100% API support through React, but there are escape hatches and always direct access otherwise. If you are pushing updates via props too many updates/second the reconciler can get overloaded. It’s really a React limitation, but hopefully the benefits outweight any downsides. It does add a steeper learning curve if you are learning both React and Babylon.js simultaneously.

Not a CLI for scaffolding or anything. Including physics is not too difficult - you can declarativly add physics impostors, etc.

Let us know if you have any questions. I’ll follow this thread, but you can always @ mention me. Cheers.

Im begin using it … documentation looks very nice , I think I will love it, thanks.

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