@Cedric is RecastJS plugin broken with Babylon.js v5.0.0-alpha.43 - WebGL2
I am getting below error: BJS - [16:37:25]: RecastJS is not ready. Please make sure you await Recast() before using the plugin. Uncaught TypeError: this.bjsRECAST.Vec3 is not a constructor
@Cedric I updated with PR and also latest release Babylon.js v5.0.0-alpha.44 but still receive above error:
BJS - [16:37:25]: RecastJS is not ready. Please make sure you await Recast() before using the plugin.
Uncaught TypeError: this.bjsRECAST.Vec3 is not a constructor
any idea what I would be doing wrong?
I see on PR you have updated navMeshWorker.js which comes after I init the plugin, the error appears as soon I add var navigationPlugin = new BABYLON.RecastJSPlugin();