@ertugrulcetin, I wouldn’t say that Babylon is limited when creating effects like these. It is true that the rotation over lifetime is not covered here, but that is a very specific use case where you need particles to rotate the exact same amount with different lifetimes. Our implementation allows much more flexibility in terms of being able to increase or decrease (or even reverse) rotation over lifetime, while falling short on the exact same rotation amount over lifetime. In looking at the above image, I don’t see anything that can’t be done by Babylon right now. We have particles emitting from a mesh, particle control from a certain frame of animation, particles emitting from a particular point, layered particle systems, and trail meshes. While this is a slightly different take on the FX, I created a demo for another thread on how to layer and create complex FX using Babylon. Give that thread a read and take a look at the demo. This is barely scratching the surface, but it shows you how you can create some complicated and layered FX. We have some items on our backlog to make this easier as well that we will hopefully get into the pipeline after the 7.0 release.