@Takemura, in looking at the best ways to create complex particle systems for Babylon.js, I found myself going down the path of asking if there is an easier way to do some of these tasks. I also found that there are several areas of our docs that needed shoring up. I tackled a bunch of the documentation gaps for particle systems, but I have also identified several areas where we may want to improve our features. I will be talking with the team in the near future (we have a lot of vacation time overlapping right now between team members) to see what we may want to pick up as improvements.
For now, I will leave you with the PG example I have been using to test with. There are some things in the PG that aren’t where we want them to be - such as the rotation of particles in a local system emitting from an animated mesh emitter. But you can use the PG as an example of how to create a more complex effect for a character.
Once we identify what we may want to improve in the workflow and plug any gaps, I will start creating some tutorials about the techniques. But in the meantime, feel free to pull this example apart and see how I got these effects while we work on more complete tutorials.