Running on server throws no-plugin error

@RaananW Did you also fix indededDB?

Babylon.js v5.17.1 - WebGL1
Plugin Availability For GLTF ====> true
-=-on server error-=- ReferenceError: indexedDB is not defined
    at new Database (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@babylonjs/core/Offline/database.js:39:41)

For this error, I followed the file database.js in node_modules then added

import { indexedDB } from 'fake-indexeddb';

and it still throws the same error :frowning:

I did now - fix missing indexedDB reference in nodejs by RaananW Ā· Pull Request #12814 Ā· BabylonJS/Babylon.js (

I missed the last indexedDB reference in the line I changed. Should be fine after this merges.

@RaananW oh, wow! That was super fast!

Thank you for the great work.

But would including the

import { indexedDB } from 'fake-indexeddb';

have worked? If I were to add this, should I include it in core/offline/database.js file?

One last thing, is the indexedDB fixed version going to be released soon?

Thank you always for the fast and wonderful work. I really appreciate it :slight_smile:

Usually it is fast for the fix to be released. But if you want to test with fake-indexeddb, can you read the last line in this reply: Running on server throws no-plugin error - #14 by slin

We have weekly minor versions released on thursday morning. So 5.18.0 (if I am not mistaken) will be released in 2 days.

Yes and no! Yes, it would have worked, no, not out of the box :slight_smile:
You will need to set the global namespaceā€™s indexedDB variable to be the imported fake db. Since nodeā€™s global object is not called window but global, you would need to set global.indexedDB = indexedDB . If you do that after the import it would have worked.

Oh, YES!!

I added to global for Babylon to use. No more indexedDB error~! Yay~!

I tried adding URL to global like I did for indexedDB, but it didnā€™t work.

import URL from 'node:url';
// perhaps
global.URL = URL

Am I on a really wrong track?

Is the Deno only way to solve this problem?

Deno is one way, yes :slight_smile:
I am not sure what node:url is, so it might be an implementation issue with this version of URL.

You could also try GitHub - lukeed/url-shim: A 1.5kB browser polyfill for the Node.js `URL` and `URLSearchParams` classes. or GitHub - lifaon74/url-polyfill: Polyfill URL and URLSearchParams to match last ES7 specifications

This is how URL is used in LoadImage() in fileTool.js.

  if (typeof Blob !== "undefined") {
      url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([input], { type: mimeType }));
      usingObjectURL = true;

So I assume I would have to add the URL to global before this?

Also, URL is introduced as a constructor here, but what is the input in new URL(${here}) for this line to use?

URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([input], { type: mimeType }));

URL is a function with static members (for example the createObjectURL function).

The project is also 3 years old, so I am not sure how good the implementation is. these are just 2 packages I found searching online, I am not affiliated with them or wtoe any of them :slight_smile:

BTW - what node version are you using? Why wonā€™t you just upgrade the node version? According to MDN URL is available since node 10, but even if you are using 12, it is a version that is 4 years old and is in End-Of-Life status. 14 and 16 would be better, no?

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Iā€™m on Babylon.js v5.17.1,
added below to where Babylon is using URL.createObjectURL

import { URL } from 'url-shim'

but still getting the same error with an extra one

Babylon.js v5.17.1 - WebGL1
BJS - [11:18:35]: MSAA failed to enable, MSAA is only supported in browsers that support webGL >= 2.0
URL.createObjectURL is not a function

I upgraded the node version to 14 like you said :smiley:

As an additional note,

  • .babylon model is successfully imported, BUT the textures that the model uses is mapped incorrectly with different size ratio

  • .gltf import keeps throwing URL.createObjectURL is not a function error + MSAA failed to enable, MSAA is only supported in browsers that support webGL >= 2.0

Even getting errors with Babylon is still fun, but a little bit confusing.

I had translated some Babylon documentation web pages before. I should start working on it again :open_mouth: haha

Hmmā€¦ according to MDN, node has this function starting with node 16.7 (URL: createObjectURL() static method - Web APIs | MDN). If possible, can you try with node > 16.7? We will need to document this. it will take a lot of unneeded code to add feature detection in that case, as this is a node-only issue those other browsers donā€™t really need.

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Oh~ when you said this

URL is a member of the window object in the browser. Your node version has nothing to do with the browser babylon is running on

I thought, the node version didnā€™t really matter.

Alright, let me try node v.16 above~!

Yes, and in most cases it is true, but i only later realized you are running your Babylon code in node and not in the browser. In that case the browser doesnā€™t matter - itā€™s node that runs the code

hmm haha

I am over with the URL.createObjectURL error, but Iā€™m still failing.

I am trying a new way of importing a model like this

    var mymodel = {...};

    var json = JSON.stringify(mymodel);
    var blob = new Blob([json]);
    var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

    BABYLON.SceneLoader.Append(url, "", scene, function(scene) {
        scene.createDefaultCameraOrLight(true, true, true),
    }, null, null, ".gltf");

but getting

BJS - [14:11:13]: Unable to load from blob:nodedata:a3230f34-804b-41f4-b7b7-1197d08e9aec: LoadFileError: Unexpected end of JSON input error message

Is SceneLoader not able to read from blob:nodedata?? Is that why this is happening?

with original method that I used,

  SceneLoader.ImportMesh('', rootURL, fileName, this.scene, null)

I get The "obj" argument must be an instance of Blob. Received an instance of Blob error message along with BJS - [15:33:24]: MSAA failed to enable, MSAA is only supported in browsers that support webGL >= 2.0

could using the WebGL1.0 be the problem??

I am checking the file SceneLoader.js in Babylon Module and I donā€™t see anywhere using Blob except in the function LoadImage() in fileTools.js file.

I just tried with a basic model without any texture mapping. Just tried to load a box.
It now only shows

BJS - [15:36:05]: MSAA failed to enable, MSAA is only supported in browsers that support webGL >= 2.0

and does not stop or throw another error message, but then I donā€™t see any model loaded haha

Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 3.41.22 PM

Do you have the loaders package included?

might indicate that the gltf loader was not loaded correctly.

Further looking at what you write - it seems like it might be a different issue. the above question is just for me to be sure.

the scene loader can load from a blob URL, but the browser schema is different. we might need to change the behavior in the loader to force loading the nodeā€™s schema as a URL

Do you have the loaders package included?

For the above question, yes I included glTF loader like this and Iā€™m also checking the glTF loader plug-in like this.

import "@babylonjs/loaders/glTF";
const isPlugInAvailable = SceneLoader.IsPluginForExtensionAvailable(".gltf")
console.log('Plugin Availability For GLTF ====>', isPlugInAvailable);

and getting true from this.

Could this still return true even when the loader is not correctly imported??


This blob:nodedata: looks weird. Like @RaananW said, your code for generating object url might not be correct.

Can you try the following approach to avoid generating object url?

// Read raw binary content from your model file
const glbRawContent = fs.readFileSync('<YOUR_FILE_PATH>');
// Generate base64 string of your model 
const base64Content = Buffer.from(glbRawContent).toString('base64');
const base64ModelString = `data:base64,${base64Content}`;

// Import Mesh from base64 string instead from url
BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh('', '', base64ModelString, scene);

Hi @slin ~!

for the blob:nodedata part, I think itā€™s because Iā€™m running Babylon on the server side.

Oh~!! my god! Importing a model from base64. Alright. Let me try that :smiley:

But just one question, fs.readFileSync only works when my project is actually holding the asset. It doesnā€™t work with remote asset, right?

Can I use it for remote asset like

const { data } = await axios.get(`${rootURL}${fileName}`)
const string = JSON.stringify(data)
const encodedString = btoa(string)

and use your method from here with the base64 that I have?

Anyway, let me try your way. Iā€™ll be back! :smiley:

Hmmā€¦ tried both ways (reading from local file && from remote) and they both failed :frowning:

returning the same error: Unable to load from data:base64,eyJwcm9kdWNlci....

I donā€™t know why it keeps console.log+ing while I donā€™t have any console.log

I also got this importMesh of undefined from undefined version: undefined, exporter version: undefinedimportMesh has failed JSON parse message at the end of a very very long base64 log