I’ve got this error during my way to implement the PBRMetalicRoughness material in nme
It seems like I connected everything required by the shader and I connected them the right way. Don’t know what caused such a behavior
I’ve got this error during my way to implement the PBRMetalicRoughness material in nme
It seems like I connected everything required by the shader and I connected them the right way. Don’t know what caused such a behavior
Hello! Yeah that is weird, let me take a look.
I would try replacing the LightBlock with the PBRMetallicRoughnessBlock like below for example, instead of trying to use both in the same material.
Thank you
Yep its a conflict between the Light and PBR blocks Babylon.js Node Material Editor (babylonjs.com), if you can use only one of them it’s good, but we’re looking at a way to eliminate the conflict or at least show a warning that the two blocks are incompatible