Good Day, Babylon Community,
I have a question about the shadows of my asset.
I am implementing the following code into my project:
shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().refreshRate = BABYLON.RenderTargetTexture.REFRESHRATE_RENDER_ONCE;
I anticipate adding this bit of code will make my scene more efficient. I created shadows for my scene, I checked the refreshRate of my asset. I was getting a value of one, after my scene is fully load, I changed the refreshRate to a value of zero. I observe that the refresh rate has indeed changed to zero for my asset shadows.
My expectation is if shadows are refreshing only once, changing the position of my asset in my scene should not update the shadows associated with the asset because my scene is NOT updating shadows every frame. However, when I use the inspector to move my asset from one position to another, the shadows associated with my asset updates with its position. Is my expectation of the asset shadow staying place incorrect? Or is it something else?
Warm Regards,
James Wu