Hi everyone, I’m now here but I have been using babylonjs to build one of my projects. I figured it may be helpful to anyone who wants to do something similar, so let me share what I have.
Basically what I did is rendering a humanoid model with babylonjs, and at the same time using a third-party library (MediaPipe) to do the motion capture. I wrote the code that put all the parts together, convert pose data from MediaPipe to skeleton/bone rotations and applying them to the rendering part. I also made a demo site showing how to embed everything within a UI framework (ReactJS).
Here is the two repositories: v3d-core (phantom-software-AZ/v3d-core) is the part that is responsible for rendering, and v3d-web is the part that converts MediaPipe data to skeleton rotations.
Here is the demo site:
If you like the project, leave a star or sth, thanks!