I think it is a bug but I’m not sure.
If you try to pick a extrudeshape you’ll get an error.
I went through the source code. In solidParticleSystem.pickedParticle
, faceId
comes from the index of sps-mesh, while pickedBySubMesh
may be splited becauseof multi materials of sps. I think faceId
should subtract the submeshes’ faces before.
That’s how I “fix” it now.
sps.__proto__.pickedParticle = function(pickingInfo) {
if (pickingInfo.hit) {
const subMesh = pickingInfo.subMeshId;
let faceId = pickingInfo.faceId;
const picked = this.pickedBySubMesh;
for (let i = 0; i < subMesh; i++) {
faceId -= picked[i].length;
if (picked[subMesh] && picked[subMesh][faceId]) {
return picked[subMesh][faceId];
return null;