Space Museum Final Alpha with Update 2 'The Auditorium' released in preview

You are right and this is still on my todo list. The progress bar is based solely on the largest of the multiple imports made async. Another issue is that I tried to optimize loading/building time by starting the build of parts loaded async simultaneously to loading more parts. My problem is, the scene is very intricated. It’s built 300% or more from instances where the original is split in different imports. I thought I had fixed this part whilst I was in my winter retreat in australia, with the outmost shit Internet you can find in the world, likely :wink: Sometimes, I downloaded at less than 200kb/s :sleepy: :zzz: But now that I’m back home and on my rig, I discovered that sometimes the scene would fail because it still attempts to access parts that are not yet promised. Anyway, as said, obviously some more efforts needed here and I shall do my best to fix this for the next update (to come soon). For now, I’m still working on a large new part that will transform the scene and prepare for the beta.

Spoiler (for all): The new auditorium will let the user listen to 56 of the greatest works in the art of music within 18 genres from the medieval to early-information era! After having worked the logic and design and gathered most original visuals and soundtracks, I’m now in the struggle of acquiring the remaining rights for a courtesy featuring (of some of the greatest artists and titles of all time, lol :sweat_smile: Yes, I know, i’m crazy :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but I already got some unbelievable support, so I shall keep my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


I saw this pattern on the wall
and this triggered a memory in me how to generate such futuristic patterns. :slight_smile:


Oh, I got it now. Thanks for clarification.
Fun fact: This pattern I recreated in vector from the original design.
But…other fun fact: Truth is, from the start, I was thinking of making alternate versions for more diversity/complexity. I guess I have just been overwhelmed :sweat_smile: with the scope of the project and did not yet have the time (or strength) to better work this part. So, your suggestion might actually be what I needed for a lesser effort :smile: I will keep this in mind (and bookmark) for once I will have finished my struggle with the new ‘auditorium’ section. Thanks a lot for sharing and have a great day :sunglasses:


Hey @mawa I have just remembered. Do you already use MeshOptimizer? It reduced loading times for my biggest gltf file from like 15 to 7 seconds. I do not use all command line switches. It seems there is even more to gain (like from KTX).

Thanks for checking back on it. No, I’m not using mesh optimizer at this time. But I know about it. I will eventually do later and actually, the biggest load comes from the textures. There are 10 times more weight on textures than models in this scene. 70+% of the scene is made from instances. I still have a number of things to perform before moving to production. Currently, the scene is eventually waiting on assets hosted in my dropbox, on snippets from the gui editor and is also linked to CDN. Plus a number of operations perform through script at a time that is not yet the most accurate and may delay other processes or slow down the entire process. I’m however not yet ready to make this move to ‘production’. Before I do, I need to finalize the building of the scene up to a certain level. Starting with the next update to come (hopefully shortly :sweat_smile:) Well, thanks again for showing Interest in my ‘thingy’ :grin: and meanwhile, have a great day :sunglasses:


Good Sunday Everyone,
Since I figured it’s going to take me some more time to normalize everything and prepare for the release (probably ~1 week or so), I wanted to share with you this sneak peek of what’s coming. :face_with_monocle:

In the end, it appears the new auditorium will be a very visual experience. Probably the most immersive experience in the scene. Thanks to the adding of video :film_strip: (whenever possible, of course). In fine, you’ll have access to 66 great works of music selected from 22 categories from the late Medieval to early Information eras. All selected and described by the AI.

So, IT thinks that this is what makes us the humans we are today… Is IT right? You’ll be able to assess and answer this question in the next update to come (together with the launch video that’s now also in the pipeline). CYA soon and… meanwhile, have a great sunday :sunglasses:


LOL…watch me Guys going haywire with this thingy :rofl: :crazy_face:
It’s probably because I hate execution work and the idea of spending hours normalizing all assets, that I woke up this morning with the ridiculeous idea of recycling my fake lights used to light up the sphere that’s on top of the structure and turn it into… a lightshow :mirror_ball: All made from recycled instances and zero lights :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: (ss below)

I’m gonna link these to the frequencies of the analyzer and (attempt to) have them change rotation and color dynamically. Just to tell you how stupid I am… instead of doing what should be done :sweat_smile: :rofl:

Of course, yours don’t have the sound and the motion in these screenshots :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but let me tell’you I’m gonna rock :guitar: this museum :rofl: :joy:


This is effing beautiful!!!

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Good Sunday fellow Babyloners,

Today, no debugging or fancy adding to my scene. It’s sharing day and I’ve got something very special for you. I hope you’ll like it :sweat_smile:

For your eyes only. I made 2 early preview videos of the new Auditorium update to come and just couldn’t wait to share’em with my BJS family.

NOTE: :judge: Please do not disseminate, as I haven’t yet collected all the rights for distribution. Quite unexpectedly, some gifted me a courtesy featuring without further questions. Some haven’t answered yet and for the others, I was just waiting to have something solid to show them I’m worthy (although, everyone here knows I’m not :wink:… but then, keep this to yourself… no need to tell’em). Also, I’m not gonna tell who committed and who is still challenging me. I don’t want to turn this into a competition. If a label doesn’t want his/her artist to be featured among the greatest works of music of all times… well, if so, I will just have to replace it with a challenger;)

Jokes apart, this is my first preview of the new Auditorium section, in which you will remember or discover 66 titles from 22 categories of ‘Great Works of Music’, from the Medieval to Information Eras, all selected and described by the AI.

Without further teasing, here are the links:

HDTV full-HD 1280*1200 (~1gb):

#63 featuring: Prince - Purple Rain (1984)

#61 featuring: Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (1982)

…And for those with a small monitor OR lower speed Internet (get yourself proper Internet, haha :laughing:)… Else:

720p HD version (~200mb):

#63 featuring: Prince - Purple Rain (1984)
#61 featuring: Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (1982)

Sorry for I selected songs from my generation :joystick:. Because, honestly, as much as I appreciate the G-minor menuet from Mozart, it doesn’t really trigger as much emotions in me :crazy_face:… not to mention that there were no videoclip :clapper: in these times. :grin:

Also - For those interested, a sidenote on my development/struggle with the creation of ‘The Auditorium’:

:nerd_face: DEV corner:

As said before, there’s absolutely zero new meshes in this new Auditorium section. Everything is either instanced or even ‘recycled’ from the main scene (except for the animations for the lightshow).

To free the resources allowing me to actually run and even video capture this ‘thingy’ in full HD on a 13-years old medium range GPU!… I’m disabling a number of meshes that are occluded while visiting the Auditorium (‘mesh.setEnabled(false)’). This way, from close to 1k draw calls with everything in frustrum, I can limit the draw calls to no more than about 400 (mostly 150 to 300).

The other thing is: Everything is fake. There are zero lights in this lightshow. Ok, there’s also zero volumetric light, rays and whatever fancy tech demo yours devs like :grin: (sorry for that). But then, this is also how I can deliver an experience to a 15 years old computer :cold_sweat: :floppy_disk:. And a museum - in my opinion - needs to be inclusive.

However of course, with these specs, you’ll be running just a bit better than a slide show :framed_picture: (let’s remain realistic). The new recommended requirements to run MOE after update 2 is a quad-core at 2,4Ghz, GL-capable GPU with 2GB and 8GB RAM. The models load is still very low (and as I said, nothing added from ‘the auditorium’). However the load of materials and textures makes for this recom of 2GB GPU, with an initial load of about 400mb textures, eventually exceeding 1.2GB memory when viewing everything (despite for clearing most of which is no longer viewed, or at least, attempting to).

The lightshow : :bulb: :mirror_ball: Well, it really is as I told you before. I’ve been going ‘haywire’ with this :crazy_face:. Viewing the clips of my generation, my brain returned to the one of a teenager :cowboy_hat_face: and rules just didn’t apply anymore. BTW, it’s gonna take me at least half a day to clean all the shit I created in my script :sweat_smile:.

Basically, the way it works is, it has a number of variables set at title selection. Obviously, there’s a ‘theme colors’ variable, which sets the colors to use (up to 3 + 2 ‘focus colors’). And then, there’s also a var for the speed: slow, medium or fast. Finally, there’s a ‘threshold’ variable in the form of an interval time-out that triggers a switch in the animations (speed and/or colors)

There are also 2 types of animations triggered by 2 functions. Both are runtime based and both use variables to set random interval and random color picking at times (with constraints). The main difference is that, the non-slow based animation is actually triggered from the frequencies on the analyzer (that’s the one for michael jackson’s featuring). While the ‘slow’ animation, that cannot rely on frequencies, is ‘hardcoded’ and based on random set intervals and color picking to make it more dynamic (that’s the one from the ‘purple rain’ featuring). In frequency mode, animations are triggered and cleared from a range of min an max capture on a frequency. So, this is where it gets a little bit tricky and requires me to properly normalize all sources. I cannot/don’t want to change this frequency with every title selected (66, remember?). So, yes, still a bit of tuning to be done here and in the end, it will be a compromise. Also, of course, given the above, the experience is slightly different every time.

Here’s where I’d like to thank again the BJS Team for creating a framework that allows me to unleash my creativity, mostly doing shit, and the thingy still works :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: You Guys really know what you are doing :superhero: (as opposed to me :wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

From tomorrow, my next task will be to normalize all new assets and, before release, I will also still need to move a lot to production and secure the loading sequence (to not generate errors when loading with slow/inconsistent Internet speed).

So, still a lot to do within just a few days :hourglass_flowing_sand: :sweat_smile:… but I figured I need to launch this before v7 :rocket: because, else, from March 28, nobody will want to look at this (including me :rofl:) while eagerly waiting for the new candy :lollipop: (I already ordered my pop-corns :popcorn: to watch the launch movie :film_projector:… not that I want to put any additional pressure on you Guys from the Team :joy:)

Enjoy, comment (but not too much, please :sweat_smile:) and… Meanwhile, have a great day :sunglasses:


Thx a lot for your lovely comment. (You know) your opinion means a lot to me :student:
In case you’re interested, here above comes the ‘in-motion’ preview, while waiting for the release to come (hopefully) next week. :sweat_smile:
Have a great day :sunglasses:

You mean oldies? :grin:

Anyway, just wanted to report. Something went wrong:

museum.html:8628 Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: glassredmat02 is not defined
at museum.html:8628:26
at async Promise.all (index 9)

museum.html:6020 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting ‘animations’)
at loadGUI (museum.html:6020:23)

No loading progress since then :frowning:

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Thanks, I know. I should have fixed the bug but thought I would wait for the auditorium update (but I’m still not there yet, only the video is available :sweat_smile:)

And for the error, the material is defined, it’s just because the loading failed at an earlier step. Eventually, reloading will let you make it through.

Again, sorry for having delayed the fix. Will do shortly (I promise) :pray:

No worries! I am already hyped :slightly_smiling_face:

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My apologies. You were right. The material script was still linked to my dev environment and I recently changed this material :grimacing: So, I did the quick fix (for this part). Thx a lot for reporting.

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Wowww, this rocks !! To continue with the syncronicities I had just watched a post on X showing first and last tv shows of Billy Jean … half an hour ago ! :). You’re def a babylon artist :heart:

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Count your blessings , i live in a semi tropical environment with high humidity … my GPU’s pop every 3 years haha , will check it out later :wink:

I have the flu since I woke up and had to code for the last 12 hours straight … im not even sleepy , i just feel yuck - Man Flu

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I’m sorry to hear that :sneezing_face: I hope you’ll get well soon. Meanwhile, take care and get a rest :sleeping:

Here’s quickly another one of these (teasing video) for you Guys.

Spéciale dédicace’ for the frenchies :fr: :smiley:
I mean I know it’s not your generation (nor mine :older_adult: :rofl:)… but at least, you know… it’s in french :joy::

HDTV version (~500mb)
#41 featuring: Jacques Brel - Amsterdam (1964)

And the 720p version (~90mb)
#41 featuring: Jacques Brel - Amsterdam (1964)

Enjoy :fr: and have a great day :sunglasses:


Merde, je devois apprendre français de nouveau. J’ai eu comprendre trop peu. Ok I give up, my brain is hurting. But the song, not too bad actually :slightly_smiling_face: More, more!


OK, since you asked for it (I mean, at least one of you did :joy:) this is my last video preview. I admit, it’s just the cherry :cherries: on the cake, for me. I did this essentially for myself :face_with_hand_over_mouth: to encourage me to continue with normalizing and partly fetching ~30% of all assets featured… before tomorrow :hourglass_flowing_sand: :sweat_smile:

This is what I believe to be a modern symphony. Beyond time and genre (although the AI did put this in the ‘rock bands’ category):

HDTV-version (~350mb)
#52 featuring: Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (1975)

720p-version (~57mb)
#52 featuring: Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (1975)

Enjoy and I shall see you soon (hopefully :sweat_smile:) :rofl:
Meanwhile, have a great day :sunglasses: