Hi, I am trying to use a CascadedShadowGenerator with terrain generated from a height map but I am unable to set it up correctly so that the terrain casts shadows on its self.
I always get stripes all over the terrain. I am tweaking the bias and normalBias, but all I can achieve is various sized stripes or no shadow at all. I have tweaked the height map example with CascadedShadowGenerator. I have also replaced the default light with a directional light with a position above the terrain:
I am able to get shadows with just ShadowGenerator and useBlurExponentialShadowMap, but I would like the have cascaded shadowmaps. What is could be the problem and what is generally a good shadow setup for larger terrains with self-shadowing? Should I rather bake the lightmap? And just let other objects cast shadows on the terrain?
@Evgeni_Popov Absolutely awesome, thank you! Now it is working as expected in my case too. Small tweak to the normalBias to fix self-shadow artifacts and it is perfect!
@Heaust-ops I mean a lightmap, not a bump/normal map. These have pre-computed lighting, including shadows, GI, etc.