Tests failures with 4.2.0-alpha.2

Hi guys,
We are experiencing a lot of errors in our tests with 4.2.0-alpha.2. Do you host 4.1.0 somewhere for us to refer to it for now, and tackled the 4.2.0-alpha.2 changes later.

We are doing

Is there a way to refer to a specific version?

there are multiple versions, depends what you need, every release is on cdn, git, and nom

cdn. I am asking about cdn?

try there then babylonjs - cdnjs.com - The best FOSS CDN for web related libraries to speed up your websites!

Thanks. Is this somewhere documented? I could not find it in the documentation?

@kmitov would be great if you could share your issues as well to ensure I can fix them in 4.2 ???

cdnjs.com is not delivered by us, so it is not officially documented. you can go to their main site and search for any package you want.

Regarding babylon - latest stable can be found at https://cdn.babylonjs.com/babylon.js .

latest preview can be found at https://preview.babylonjs.com/babylon.js

Other versions can be found on our github, you can host them, use githack.com, or use npm



I work with @kmitov and we’re still trying to resolve the issue. Right now we’re trying to run our jasmine tests, using teaspoon but the console gets flooded with warnings and errors

Error: Exceeded 16 live WebGL contexts for this principal, losing the least recently used one.
Error: WebGL context was lost.
BJS - [17:44:11]: WebGL context lost. babylon.js:16:71961
Error: Unable to create texture 3 babylon.js:16:402982
BJS - [17:44:11]: Unable to compile effect: babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:11]: Uniforms:  scale, textureSampler babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:11]: Attributes:  position babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:11]: Defines:

BJS - [17:44:11]: Error: Something went wrong while compile the shader. babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:11]: Unable to compile effect: babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:11]: Uniforms:  scale, textureSampler babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:11]: Attributes:  position babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:11]: Defines:

BJS - [17:44:11]: Error: Something went wrong while compile the shader. babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:11]: Unable to compile effect: babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:11]: Uniforms:  scale, textureSampler babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:11]: Attributes:  position babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:11]: Defines:

BJS - [17:44:11]: Error: Something went wrong while compile the shader. babylon.js:16:72156
Error: Exceeded 16 live WebGL contexts for this principal, losing the least recently used one.
Error: WebGL context was lost.
BJS - [17:44:12]: WebGL context lost. babylon.js:16:71961
Error: Exceeded 16 live WebGL contexts for this principal, losing the least recently used one.
Error: WebGL context was lost.
BJS - [17:44:12]: WebGL context lost. babylon.js:16:71961
Error: Exceeded 16 live WebGL contexts for this principal, losing the least recently used one.
Error: WebGL context was lost.
BJS - [17:44:12]: WebGL context lost. babylon.js:16:71961
Error: Exceeded 16 live WebGL contexts for this principal, losing the least recently used one.
Error: WebGL context was lost.
BJS - [17:44:12]: WebGL context lost. babylon.js:16:71961
Error: Unable to create texture 3 babylon.js:16:402982
BJS - [17:44:12]: Unable to compile effect: babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:12]: Uniforms:  scale, textureSampler babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:12]: Attributes:  position babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:12]: Defines:

BJS - [17:44:12]: Error: Something went wrong while compile the shader. babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:12]: Unable to compile effect: babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:12]: Uniforms:  scale, textureSampler babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:12]: Attributes:  position babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:12]: Defines:

BJS - [17:44:12]: Error: Something went wrong while compile the shader. babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:12]: Unable to compile effect: babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:12]: Uniforms:  scale, textureSampler babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:12]: Attributes:  position babylon.js:16:72156
BJS - [17:44:12]: Defines:

BJS - [17:44:12]: Error: Something went wrong while compile the shader. babylon.js:16:72156
Error: Exceeded 16 live WebGL contexts for this principal, losing the least recently used one.

we noticed that this only happens on firefox v 74.0, a colleague of ours was working with an older version of firefox (68-ish) but it seems to be working fine there.

I am kind of reinsured as it is not a specific feature of babylon which is broken but mostly the test setup here. If it only happens in FF and on a specific version, it unfortunately sounds like you should create a ticket on their bug system.

If you can repro in the playground, I will be more than happy to try and tackle it down :slight_smile:

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Ok. We could try to replicate it with specific version of FF on the playground. Probably this could make it more transparent.

Hi @RaananW how could we find out what is the version on the cdn. You say it is latest stable and this should be 4.1 right?

exactly right :slight_smile:

We switched to running the specs on chrome 80 and chrome driver 80 for now. They run. But with firefox 74 there are random failures. There are no failures with firefox 72. No sure if we could extract the specific cause. Will keep it like this for now. The end product seems to be working with firefox 74.