Hi there, I am a FE-Dev and relatively new to BabylonJS. I’m currently working on a feature of our software, where a construction pit is 3D-laser scanned and the resulting model is displayed in a part of our React App.
What I want to achieve is a possibility to hide all materials on all meshes, so that the model (delivered as a .glb by the way) is displayed “naked”.
I already found out how to remove the materials (setting them null like).
mesh.material = null;
mesh.material.dispose(true, true);
but there seems no native BabylonJS way to reverse that, aka show the material again?
I found quite the similiar question here, but I don’t want to just grayscale the scene.
What I could do is just save all the meshes and the corresponding materials and re-apply them, but that seems quite hacky and not very perfomant?
Btw, I’m also using react-babylonjs if that info is of any help.
Cheers and thank you in advance.