I have a problem with camera animation. I am creating two small classes for switching camera views. And it works, but I see that the camera is behaving very strangely - it shakes during the flight. So if someone knows why this is happening or how to solve it, please write about it. The effect is most noticeable when camera flying from 1 to 3 and from 3 to 5 and 2 to 3
Your playground is pretty fluid to me (Chrome Desktop).
I’ve tried every camera transition multiple times and i see no shake.
Hope this could help you.
Hi again! Later i understanded that it is not work for me (at first time i think that it can help and conducted a series of experiments with my colleague but is not got a result)…I was distracted by other project tasks and i could not write about camera. So today i back to question about camera and find solution. If somebody have same issue with camera just change “target” animation property on “lockedTarget” animation property. I think that target is changing every time when we rotate camera and because of that got a shaking. Locked target, i think, is not changing by yourself but via animation and because of that we don`t see shaking anymore. Fixed PG: https://playground.babylonjs.com/#IEE274#19