Utility Scene onPrePointerObservable doesn't produce mouse up events

Mouse UP events aren’t fired by the utility scene onPrePointerObservable.

Playground: Babylon.js Playground

When I click 2 times, the console output looks like this:

utility scene DOWN
scene DOWN
scene UP
utility scene DOWN
scene DOWN
scene UP
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cc @amoebachant

Taking a look…

@Andriy_Lysnevych, thanks for reaching out, that does seem unexpected. Did you need to use onPrePointerObservable to skip a mouseup onPointerObservable call using skipOnPointerObservable? It would be helpful to know what you were trying to achieve when you noticed this, or if you found a Babylon feature that wasn’t working as expected, and tracked it down to this. Thanks!

Hi @amoebachant,

We create 3D rooms annotation tools: Virtual Home Inspections for Insurance Claims - AI Powered

3D room model is in the root scene as a background. Most of the useful stuff goes in the utility scene: annotations, measurements, etc.

Depending on a state we enable different methods of picking for example using scene.pick, its predicate parameter, and meshes metadata. onPointerObservable with its default picking behavior is not interesting for us.

Thanks for that context - have you tried setting skipPointerDownPicking, skipPointerMovePicking, and skipPointerUpPicking on the scene to true and then wiring up to onPointerObservable? I think that may achieve what you’re trying to do.