WebDeviceInputSystem._pointerCancelEvent Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '2' of undefined

Our project with babylonjs is Published, but sometimes user’s Chrome for Android reports error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘2’ of undefined.
This is where the error occurs:

Maybe, this._inputs[DeviceType.Touch][deviceSlot] sometimes is undefined.
I can’t reproduce this error on my mobile, could you help me?
The babylonjs version is 5.9.0, thanks!

pinging @PolygonalSun

Hey @pink_blue, by any chance, did any of the users who found this provide any kind of repro steps or any more information that we could use to figure out what’s going on?

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Hi I’m also seeing the same error with the same error trace for some users on Android, but I also couldn’t reproduce on my end. The Babylon JS version 5.54.0.

I believe that this may have been fixed as a part of version 6 (I think specifically with this PR: WebDeviceInputSystem: Add additional checks for pointermove started Touch events by PolygonalSun · Pull Request #14174 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js (github.com)). Is there any reason for you using that specific version of BJS?