idk actually, lets brainstorm. what are the options first? consider tradeoffs after.
displacement of the normals on the mesh
sps morphing - shows how you can change colors and geometry. sps btw is 1 mesh, hence “solid” particle system
dynamic terrain - also integrates with sps. lots of good demos, i dont want to link them all here
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I’m thinking a simple solution could be a combination of the above examples, the morphing worm sps + the sps on the dynamic terrain and see how that goes. sps is quite versatile and can even integrate the nme.
sps tree generator
instanced VAT - i feel like no, but idk
of course, we should consider how the master has done it.
.GitHub - Popov72/OceanDemo: Ocean demo in WebGPU with Babylon.js
the new node material capabilities can be useful for this
i saw in the 6.0 thread, this demo has a wind effect, which is pretty cool. i think integrating trees / everything into one “VegetationMaterial” or something could be cool. there are actually other benefits of doing this too because with the webgpu engine we have snapshot rendering which is gonna be super useful for this. however, it doesnt work with dynamic shadows per-se. Even unreal has this limitation, BUT, I saw a youtube video explaining an unreal plugin that overcomes this for tree shadows, where it basically creates a second layer with simplified geometry of the trees to render the shadows from the invisible tree.
btw the dynamic lod of the dynamic terrain is quite nice. i think essential, even. either by using dynamic terrain or re-implementing it for whatever reason.