What is exact way to use getMeshByName("") from Scene to play with morph targets in react-babylonjs npm

This is my code block.

Previously with using canvas and plain Babylon
let casiBody = await scene.getMeshByName(“bubble_short_primitive1”);
This was working fine,

const onSceneMount = async (e: any) => {
const { scene } = e;
let casiBody = await scene.getMeshByName(“bubble_short_primitive1”);
console.log(casiBody, “”);

// casiBody.morphTargetManager.getTarget(0).influence = 1


But now I am unable to get scene.getMeshByName(“bubble_short_primitive1”);

Because the onSceneMount is loading before loading children components [ Model ]

Or Should I use the morphTargetManager prop to change the Morph targets.

// morphTargetManager={ MorphTargetManager. }
// scaling={new Vector3(1,1,1)}

              onModelLoaded={async (model) => {
                await onModelLoaded(model);
                // setLoadModel1(true);

Isn’t that related to your previous question Can anyone help me with adding morphTargets using react-babylonjs? - Questions - Babylon.js ? Please don’t open multiple topics for the same question.

Yes sorry It is related to previews question.

I found a solution. I can use onCreated prop in the Model. Now I can change the morph targets.
Here is the code.

              // morphTargetManager={  }
              // scaling={new Vector3(1,1,1)}
              onCreated={(e) => {
              onModelLoaded={async (model) => {
                await onModelLoaded(model);
                // setLoadModel1(true);

const onCreatedModel1 = async (e: any) => {
console.log(e, “Model”);

console.log(e._scene, "Scene");
let casiBody = e._scene.getMeshByName("bubble_short_primitive1");
// console.log(e._scene.morphTargetManagers[0], "e._scene");
casiBody.morphTargetManager.getTarget(0).influence = 1;
casiBody.morphTargetManager.getTarget(1).influence = 1;
casiBody.morphTargetManager.getTarget(2).influence = 1;


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