Where do you host BJS projects and what are the steps to upload through FTP?

Where do you host BJS projects and what are the steps to upload through FTP? There does not seem to be a clear set of steps how to host a Babylon JS project. I would prefer to use my shared hosting service drive. (not a dedicated machine), remote server, FTPing files. So, my own paid for third-party hosting package. (linux, windows, does it matter?)

Why is there no help or many people asking how to do that? I find that odd. Am I missing something key from the Babylon JS documentation?


Babylon is a web-based 3d engine, and as such can be used on any website you want it to be. Babylon can be hosted on any server you host any other website. Uploading the content using FTP would be the same as any other content. There is nothing special you need to do in order to support FTP upload of babylon scenes.

We do plan on making a few tutorials on how to upload your scene to different hosting plans, but until then - any tutorial that will teach you how to upload a website to your linux server will work for babylon as well.

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Okay. Thanks RaananW. I uploaded yesterday and only the Console.Log() showed. I will review my code. It’s about as simple of a test one can do. I must of missed something. Though, I do not see any errors in the Console. And locally with Visual Studio Code with Go Live (local server) it works as expected.

Thanks for the speedy response!

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I am also having this same problem! Drag and dropped the ‘dist’ and nothing! Just blank white space.
These developers ALL talk like this. Obscure as if relishing the novice and noobs frustration at something THEY once encountered. Simply give a step by step HOW TO with pictures, instead of the arrogance. An example.

Very strange.

This is a very unfair comment on the members of this community that develop Babylon.js or those that develop their own websites using Babylon.js, all of whom are very helpful with Babylon.js related questions.

I have never produced a hosted Babylon.js website but if I did I would not be asking how to do the hosting part on this forum. Having made a decision about which hosting service to use I would expect that service to provide instructions on how to do it.

On the other hand if it was about how to construct a website that makes use of Babylon.js then help is provided in the docs

Any specific questions you might have about constructing a Babylon.js website will get answered.


@Zwane_Makki, I do feel this pain. It brings back recent memories.

The following is not an exhaustive solution. It may not work in your case. I am not a server expert, so this is the extent of what I can offer right now. But, by uploading one file with a few lines of configurations and copy and pasting my ‘assets’ folder with images, etc. to a (cheap) “shared hosting” plan through an FTP client, I was able to get my test project(s) working.

Here is my post about the web.config file. One critical other point. This is for .glb (I export from Blender 3.x to .glb, a single file) set of Blender assets.

Showing what an example remote ‘dist’ (from the FTP client view) directory looks like. Note I copied the ‘assets’ folder over and I make sure to reference it from within the Typescript (JS) code I did to load the .glb assets, show images, etc.)

example remote ftp directory with project files and web.config file

One other thing that comes to mind. You probably are already doing, show the in-browser console (I hit F12 from Microsoft Edge) and watch for 404 errors, check your paths to images, .glb, and the like.

Let me edit this post to add another line. This had me stuck early on the first time.
const anAssetsPromise = SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync(“”, “./assets/”, “BLENDERmadeExportedGLB.glb”, SCENENAMEitwillbeviewedin);
