Wingy Weebles (and he falls down, too)

nod. I think it was @jas0n who did one of the earlier requests…

He is trying to use physics… for optimizing the packing of various little mesh… into a fixed-sized container. Essentially, he is building a system that answers the question: Can a robotic manipulator arm… “learn” how to optimally pack a crate… with its “hand”… via learning from “bumping” that happens on the inertial sensor in its hand. It needs to “feel” a physics collision… in the robotic packing hand… to know when to release a container, or push a container, or turn a container, etc, etc. Phew. Tough.

Optimized packing of containers. FUN area of study and hobby. JasOn considered using physics collisions as sensors, with user or computer dragging… as his “mover”.

I know what everyone is thinking, here. Give me a list of ALL available sub-shapes sizes (items to pack)… and give me a container size… and “virtually” pre-pack the container… with a SERIOUS algorithm which analyses sub-container boundingBox dimensions. The robot would know how to pack the box… way before it started dragging items into the crate. (a dual layer thing - think it out, first, then do it.)

A physics-active “learn as you experiment” robotic arm “packer” would be pretty fun to watch. :slight_smile: It might take DAYS to pack the container… MONTHS… it carefully watches onCollides and isSleeping on every PB… learning from its hand sensors… adjusting game-plans… unpacking and repacking - over and over. hehe. NUTS! I don’t think this is what JasOn has in mind… but… fun. I think we would find… pack with human doing best they can… ships in 10 minutes… WINS OVER… pack with robot AI-learning… ships in 10 months. :slight_smile: